Maliarijos ir jos komplikacijos poveikis motinai ir vaisiui Afrikoje.
Omar, Mustaf Adan |
Minkauskienė, Meilė |
Recenzentas / Reviewer | |
Komisijos pirmininkas / Committee Chairman | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member |
Malaria in pregnancy is a significant public health issue in the world. It affects approximately twenty-five million pregnant women annually. There are various wide-ranging effects linked to malaria that affect the well-being of the mother as well as the newborn. This study aimed to investigate the impact of malaria and its complication for both maternal and fetuses in Africa. The study found that global initiatives have spurred the fight against malaria. In the past twenty years, significant progress has been recorded in discovering anti-malarial drugs. The systematic review conducted by the current study revealed that the frequency or malaria prevalence among expectant mothers in Africa is relatively higher than in the general population. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen the existing control and prevention measures of malaria infection, for example, health education regarding the adoption and application of IRS in controlling malaria vector and timely diagnosis as well as treatment of malaria in pregnant women in Africa. This study undertook content analysis of different literature existing about malaria to understand the patterns of infection, treatment behaviors and other government interventions. Some of these studies incorporated data on patient adherence and drug quality. The findings of these studies present elaborate insights and assistance that characterize different patterns of effectiveness based on other regions of Africa. This study concludes that three or more doses of IPTp-SP administered to pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa result in decreased risks of adverse outcomes of malaria during pregnancy, such as LBW, as it increases birth weight more than when a standard 2-dose regimen is used. Control and management of malaria is an essential strategy in endemic countries, especially for the timely diagnosis and effective treatment of malaria cases.
Maliarija nėštumo metu yra svarbi visuomenės sveikatos problema pasaulyje. Kasmet ja serga maždaug dvidešimt penki milijonai nėščių moterų. Yra įvairių su maliarija susijusių plataus masto padarinių, kurie turi įtakos motinos ir naujagimio gerovei. Šiuo tyrimu buvo siekiama ištirti maliarijos ir jos komplikacijų poveikį motinai ir vaisiui Afrikoje.