Blood transfusion practice among medical physicians working at Kauno Klinikos Hospital
Zindrou, Sengin Lezan |
Recenzentas / Reviewer | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member |
Author: Sengin Lézan Zindrou Title: Blood transfusion practice among medical physicians working at Kauno Klinkos Hospital. Aim: To review the clinical practice of blood transfusion in different clinical settings, to evaluate the threshold of blood transfusion as well as the units of blood used. Objectives:1. To assess blood transfusion threshold among physicians according clinical practice (different medical specialties). 2. To determine and compare the threshold for blood transfusion between younger physicians with less clinical practice and older physicians with more clinical practice in the intensive care department. 3.To evaluate current practice according present guidelines.4. To determine if experience has any influence when it comes to blood transfusion. Methodology: A scenario-based survey was conducted among 84 clinical physicians at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno Klinikos. Distributing hypothetical scenarios and collecting data for hemoglobin trigger for each scenario estimated clinical practice of blood transfusion. Study participants: Clinical physicians at the LUHS Kauno Klinikos. Results: A total of 84 medical physicians, 33 (39%) of which were surgeons, 26 (31%) were intensivists and 25 (30%) of the physicians had different therapeutic specialties. The majority of the physicians in the first scenario, 38 (45,2%) chose a threshold of 80 g/L of hemoglobin. In the second scenario the majority 44 (52,4%) choose a threshold of 80 g/L, in the third scenario majority of the physicians 37 (44%) choose to transfuse at a threshold of 70 g/L and in the fourth and last scenario the majority which was 29 (34,5%) of the physicians choose to not plan a transfusion. There was no significant difference found between the groups of specialties (p>0,05) Conclusions: Years of experience does not have an influence on the threshold chosen by clinical physicians working at Kauno Klinikos hospital, neither does the specialty of the physician. In general, the tactic was restrictive with some lack of knowledge in patients suffering with cardiovascular diseases receiving a transfusion.
Pavadinimas: Kraujo perpylimo praktiką tarp Kauno Klinikose dirbančių gydytojų.Tikslas: Apžvelgti klininkinę kraujo perpylimo praktiką skirtinguose klinikiniuose parametruose, įvertinti perpilamo kraujo slenkstį taip pat kraujo vienetų sunaudojimą. Išvados: Kaunuo Klinikose dirbančių gydytojų ilgametė patirtis bei specializacija neturi įtakos pasirinktam kraujo perpylimo slenksčiui. Bendrai, kraujo perpylimo taktiką ribojama kai susiduriama su pacientais sergančiais širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomins.