Koreliacija tarp religijos/dvasingumo ir depresijos tarp LSMU studentų
Ballal, Samah Elmahi |
Recenzentas / Reviewer | |
Recenzentas / Reviewer | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member | |
Komisijos narys / Committee Member |
tikslas: įvertinti koreliaciją tarp religijos/dvasingumo ir depresijos tarp skirtingų tautų, biografinių faktų ir religinių tikėjimų universitetų studentų. uždaviniai: 1. įvertinti apklaustų individų sociodemografines sąvybes. 2. nustatyti depresijos simptomų buvimą tarp apklaustų individų. išvados: iš tikrųjų yra išskirtinis kiekis veiksnių kurie prisideda prie depresijos rizikos įskaitant r/s. tikintieji yra linkę būti laimingesni ir labiau patenkinti nei netikintys, reiškiant mažesnius depresijos dažnius. tai gali būti priskiriama prie gyvenimo reikšmės turėjimo ir tikėjimo, kad neigiami gyvenimo įvykiai yra dievo išbandymas. taip pat religinis įsitraukimas leidžia būti apsumptam palaikančios bendruomenės ir užkerta kelią izoliacijai. šiame darbe religinio ar dvasinio įsitraukimo ir depresijos koreliacija statistiškai nėra svarbi. tačiau r/s įsitraukimas, atrodo, kad būtų susietas su depresija vienu ar kitu būdu . atsižvelgiant į pasaulinį depresijos ir r/s paplitimą, tyrinėtojai ir gydytojai turi turėti platesnį supratimą kaip r/s veikia psichinę sveikatą.
aim: to evaluate the correlation between religion/spirituality and depression among university students of different ethnicities, backgrounds and religious belief objectives of the study: 1.to evaluate sociodemographic characteristics of the individual surveyed. 2. to assess the existence of depressive symptoms among the individuals surveyed. 3. to find out their religious beliefs. 4. to find the relationship between religion/ spirituality and depression methodology: a cross sectional study was employed with the aim of pursuing a primarily quantitative methodological approach. this was conducted in the form of questionnaire with closed ended questions. 98 international students from different faculties and different years from luhs were randomly selected. after consent from the individual surveyed, he/she was anonymously evaluated for their sociodemographic, religious beliefs and the existence of depressive symptoms analysed. results: 66.3% of respondents were female and 33.7% male.77.6% are believers in god and 22.4% are non-believers. 45.6% claimed religion was an important aspect in their life and of those 45.6%, 71.4% are practicing their religion. 38% said religion was not important to them and 15% where borderline. 67.3% of the respondents have no/mild depression, 27.6% have moderate and 5.1% have severe depression. if using statistics alone, believers were similar to non-believers, with regards to the prevalence of depression (p value 0.735). however if looking at the surveys as a whole we can deduce that religion has a positive effect on health as 84.1% of the believers admit that religion gives them a more positive outlook on life and 96.8% of think religion affects the outcome of depression in a positive way i.e. religious coping. almost 80% of non-believers, however, believe that their disbelief makes them more optimistic. having said that 68.1% of them think that religion affects the outcome of depression positively. and 66% of them believe religious coping should be used be psychiatrist in aiding recovery. conclusion: there are certainly an exceptional amount of factors that contribute to the risk of depression including r/s. on an individual basis, believers tend to be happier, feeling more fulfilled than non-believers, leading to lower rates of depression. this can be attributed to having meaning in one’s life and believing that nle are a test from god. also religious involvement allows one to be surrounded by a supportive community and prevents isolation. in this study religious or spiritual involvement and depression correlation is insignificant, statistically. however r/s involvement seems to be related to depression in one way or another. given the worldwide prevalence of both depression and r/s, researchers and clinicians need to have a greater understanding of how r/s effects mental health.recommendations: a greater number of participants is required to improve the statistics and more atheists are needed for the control group