Morphometric parameters of tertiary ovarian follicles in 21-27-year-old women
Author(s) | |
Valstybinė teismo medicinos tarnyba prie Lietuvos Respublikos teisingumo ministerijos | |
Date Issued |
2013-11-07 |
Introduction. In scientific articles, the number of data on morphometry of tertiary ovarian follicles is limited. There are more studies on the structure of the animal ovaries and their follicles. Research of women's ovaries is complicated by very limited amount of investigating substance. The aim of this study was to measure diameter and area, the thickness of their theca folliculi, the diameter and area of follicular cavity of the tertiary ovarian follicles in 21-27-year-old women. Methods. This work was done using the licence of the Kaunas Regional Committee of Biomedical Researches' Ethic (No. BE-2-25, 04.05.2006). Ovaries were obtained from Kaunas Division of State Forensic Medicine Service under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania. Histological slides of five 21-27-tear-old dead women (No. 29 (27-year old), No. 33 (24-year old), No. 41 (21-year old), No. 43 (23-year old) and No. 46 (21-year old)) ovaries were made according to routine methodology and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Microphotographs of tertiary ovarian follicles were made from histological slides using stereomicroscope OLYMPUS SZX 16 (camera OLYMPUS DP 72). Morphometric analysis of three tertiary follicles of each women was done using UTHSCSA Image Tool for Windows Version 3.0 program. Results were analysed using the Statistical programme (Statistical Version 5, StatSoft Inc.). Results. The diameter of 21-27-year-old women's tertiary ovarian follicles was 4.45±1.28 mm in women No. 29, 4.28ē0.75 mm in No. 33, 4.05±1.36 mm in No. 41, 4.79±0.32 mm in No. 43 and 4.01±1.19 mm in No. 46 (p≥0.05). [...].