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    Simanavičius, Martynas
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    Tamošiūnas, Paulius Lukas
    Vaccine, 2024-11-30, vol. 00, no. 00, p. 1-6

    Hepatitis E virus genotype 3 (HEV-3) is a zoonotic pathogen capable of infecting human, porcine, and other animal hosts. Despite a broad host range and abundance of species that act as reservoirs for human infections, no commercially available animal vaccines against HEV-3 are currently available. In the present study, we tested the capacity of recombinant aa 112-608 wild boar-derived HEV-3 capsid protein (rORF2p) to induce an immune response in immunized pigs. Four 6 week old pigs were administered 1 ml of 200 μg/ml rORF2p, followed by booster administration after 14 days. Blood samples were collected until 28 days after initial immunization. Dominant cell phenotypes and anti-HEV IgG concentrations were determined. A significant anti-HEV IgG, monocyte/macrophage, B cell and T cell response has been detected in immunized pigs. In turn, our findings suggest the capacity of rORF2p to elicit an immune response in pigs, suggesting the potential for its use as a vaccine candidate.

  • research article
    Riachi, Emile
    The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants, 2024-10-16, vol. 39, no. 5, p. 157-173

    Purpose: To assess the impact of implant placement at different time intervals on the esthetic and clinical outcomes in the esthetic zone. Materials and Methods: A literature screening was conducted in PubMed (MEDLINE), ScienceDirect, and Cochrane databases. Relevant articles were included according to selection criteria and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Data was collected from studies published from 2017 to 2022 in English. Results: Nine articles were included, in which a total of 495 implants were placed; 250 of the implants were immediate, 109 were early, and 136 were delayed. Immediate implant placement (IIP) showed no statistically significant difference in Pink Esthetic Score (PES) compared with delayed implant placement (DIP). IIP showed significantly higher PES in comparison with early implant placement (EIP) (mean difference [MD] = –0.76; 95% CI = –1.50 to –0.02; P = .04). The probing depth (PD) was considerably greater for immediate implants than for delayed implants (MD = –0.62; 95% CI = –1.05 to –0.18; P = .005), and the Plaque Index (PI) was statistically greater for early implants compared with immediate implants (MD = 0.15; 95% CI = 0.11 to 0.19; P < .00001). All other soft tissue outcomes showed equal results. The marginal bone loss (MBL) was statistically higher in early implants compared with immediate implants (MD = 0.09; 95% CI = 0.02 to 0.16; P = .02). Conclusions: IIP had significantly superior PES, MBL, and PI results when compared with EIP. The PD was significantly higher for immediate implants compared with delayed implants. All other outcomes showed no significant difference between the three implant groups. It is important to highlight the limitations of this review such as the small number of studies included and the few reports on esthetic indices.

  • research article;
    Rajackaitė, Ema
    Robbins, Ninette
    Ali, Mohamed
    Annals of Blood, 2024-09-30, vol. 9, p. 1-10

    Background: There are significant benefits for patients receiving plasma or plasma derived medicinal products, but for donors undergoing plasmapheresis, benefits are poorly researched and defined. A study by Rosa-Bray et al. [2013] describes findings of reduced levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and increased yield of high-density lipoprotein after plasmapheresis in donors’ samples. Our article aims to address some of the feasible investigative options, based on Rosa-Bray’ findings, by proposing new theoretical computing “Predictive Model of variable laboratory findings calculation and monitoring during plasmapheresis procedures”, which highlights cholesterol metabolism changes. Methods: Literature review was performed using National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Literature Resources based on thematic analysis with keywords: “lipoproteins in plasma”, “cholesterol chemistry”, “plasma donors and lipoproteins”, “plasmapheresis and lipids”. Filters for full text, original study, review and metanalysis, not older than 10 years were selected. The literature search was performed during 5 March to 10 June 2024. Seventy-six available sources were found and 58 were left for final revision. Custom programming with web technologies was used—HTML, CSS, Javascript. Following libraries were used to create the program—amCharts, Google Charts, Bootstrap. All programming work was done with Visual Studio Code software. Results: The created and proposed theoretical model can be accessed using active link— It was developed to show the beneficial possibilities if installed in the software during plasmapheresis and after. Further development to obtain the model into routine practice would work on actual donor data with additional features for microelements. Conclusions: The created theoretical model will work for laboratory monitoring serial results during the plasmapheresis procedures with demonstration of possible changes in plasma highlights the potential benefits of plasmapheresis. The Predictive Model emphasizes possible insights for cholesterol metabolism with further proposals on proteins, microelements and enzymes monitoring.

  • conference paper; ; ; ;
    The 13th International Conference of Young Scientists "Young Scientists for Advance of Agriculture" AGRISCI2024 : Abstracts, 2024-11-26, p. 8-8

    In cows, lactose is the primary solid component of milk and is routinely measured in lactating cows worldwide as part of standard evaluation systems. Over recent decades, likely due to the growing availability of milk data from innovative technologies, lactose has been increasingly incorporated into scientific studies, alongside traditional traits like milk yield, fat, and protein concentrations. The goal of this study was to determine the connection between in-line lactose concentration and rumination quality. Research was conducted on a Lithuanian farm in 2023. A total of 502 cows were selected for the study. According to the literature (1) they were divided into two groups: A (lactose concentration < 4.7%) and B (lactose concentration ≥ 4.7%). The average milk yield was 12,500 kg per lactation. Milk lactose concentration was recorded continuously during each milking by the “BROLIS HERDLINE (Vilnius, Lithuania)” in-line milk analyzer, which was integrated into a milking robot. Rumination quality was monitored using the RumiWatch sensor (Itin + Hoch GmbH, Liestal, Switzerland). Jaw movements during rumination showed a significantly higher number of rumination chews (p < 0.01), with a 13.84% increase in Group B (ML ≥ 4.70%) compared to Group A (ML < 4.70%). The average number of rumination chews in Group B was 1280.80 chews per hour (±52.28), while in Group A, it was 1103.58 chews per hour (±23.37). Additionally, the results showed a significant increase (p < 0.001) of 16.70% in the number of cuds in Group B (ML ≥ 4.70%) compared to Group A (ML < 4.70%). The average number of cuds in Group B was 22.69 per hour (±0.92), while in Group A, it was 18.90 per hour (±0.38). Our study has shown that lactose concentration has a strong relation with rumination quality and may provide insight into cattle health status.

  • Publicationagris
    conference paper
    The 13th International Conference of Young Scientists "Young Scientists for Advance of Agriculture" AGRISCI2024 : Abstracts, 2024-11-26
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  • conference paper
    7th Japan-Lithuania Joint Life Sciences Symposium: New approach to Life Sciences“ : 18 December, 2020 / Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Kaunas : Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, 2020., 2020-12-18, p. 1-1

    Voice disorders (hoarseness) are a common condition manifesting in almost 10% of the population. The causes of hoarseness can be related to common respiratory diseases and/or to vocal fatigue caused by vocal overload, however it can also be related to functional, behavioral, neurologic factors and both benign and malignant laryngeal tumors. Hoarseness can also be an early symptom of laryngeal cancer. The VoiceScreen app requires the user to perform two simple tasks: 1). Sustain a vowel [a:] sound for 4 seconds, 2) Read the provided sentence. The users’ voice is recorded and then analyzed extracting six acoustic voice function parameters which are then weighted and merged together to provide the user with the Acoustic Voice Quality Index (AVQI) of his/her voice. The value of AVQI as a clinical marker of overall voice quality has already been proven across multiple studies revealing adequate diagnostic accuracy. The AVQI values do not depend on gender and age. The VoiceScreen app calculates and displays the value of AVQI and also provides the user with recommendations based on the test results. The provided recommendations should be taken as guidance on what to do next to help the user’s voice. [...].

  • journal article
    Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojas. Kaunas : Vitae Litera, 2008, t. 12, Nr. 10., p. 679-681.

    Lėtinis atrofinis gastritas – tai ilgalaikio lėtinio skrandžio uždegimo sąlygota skrandžio gleivinės atrofija. Atrofinio gastrito fone vystosi metaplazija žarninio tipo epiteliu, vėliau epitelio displazija ir skrandžio vėžys. Atrofija ir žarninė metaplazija apibūdinamos kaip ikivėžinės būklės. Skrandžio gleivinės atrofija ir žarninė metaplazija yra dažnesnės šalyse, kuriose yra didelis sergamumas skrandžio vėžiu. Atrofinis gastritas laikomas ikivėžine liga, tačiau nėra visiškai aišku, ar galimas atrofijos proceso sustabdymas, ar tai leidžia apsaugoti nuo skrandžio vėžio.

  • book; ;
    Tutkuvienė, Janina
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    Schumacher, Gert Horst
    Kaunas : Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Leidybos namai, 2016., 2016-10-02

    Vadovėlyje "Žmogaus anatomija" aprašoma žmogaus išorinė ir vidinė sandara organų sistemų, vykdančių organizmo kraujo ir limfos apykaitą, imuninę apsaugą, nervinę ir endokrininę reguliaciją, pateikiama organų raidos schema, pabrėžiama anatominių savitumų medicininė reikšmė. Vadovėlis skiriamas biomedicinos krypties medicinos ir odontologijos studijoms, juo galės naudotis ir rezidentai, doktorantai ir kiti specialistai. Vilniaus ir Kauno medicinos anatomai, 2003 m. rekomendavus LR švietimo ir mokslo ministerijos Aukštųjų mokyklų bendrųjų vadovėlių leidybos komisijai, parengė dviejų dalių vadovėlį „Žmogaus anatomija". Antroji jo dalis, parengta Kauno anatomų, padedant Vilniaus anatomei prof. Janinai Tutkuvienei, buvo išleista 2007 m., o pataisyta 2-oji laida - 2008 m. Šioje dalyje pateiktos anatomijos žinios apie organų sistemas, vykdančias organizmo kraujo ir limfos apykaitą, imuninę apsaugą, nervinę ir endokrininę reguliaciją, apie jutimo organus ir odą. Į šio vadovėlio autorių sąrašą taip pat buvo įtrauktas vokiečių anatomas Gertas-Horstas Šumacheris, leidęs vartoti kai kurias jo anatomijos vadovėlio iliustracijas.Sudėvėti vadovėlio egzemplioriai skaityklose ir jų dingimas knygynų lentynose rodo, kad jis turėjo paklausą, buvo naudingas siekiantiems anatomijos žinių žmonėms. Autoriams malonu tai žinoti ir esame dėkingi LSMULeidybos namams, sumaniusiems išleisti dar vieną jo laidą. Tad atsirado gera proga šioje laidoje, iš esmės nekeičiant vadovėlio dalykinio turinio, atlikti kai kuriuos pataisymus, papildymus ir jo sandaros pakeitimus. Pirmiausia buvo ištaisytos pačių autorių ir skaitytojų pastebėtos techninės ir dalykinės klaidos, koreguoti kai kurie lietuviški anatomijos terminai, atnaujinta bei išplėsta lietuviškų ir lotyniškų terminų rodyklė. Kai kurie skyriai papildyti aprašomų organų ontogenezės,

      2538  225
  • PublicationVidutinio trombocitų tūrio sąsajos su lėtiniu prieširdžių virpėjimu ir periferinių arterijų liga
    [Mean platelet volume: its relation to permanent atrial fibrillation and peripheral artery disease]
    research article; ;
    Medicinos mokslai. Medical sciences. Kėdainiai : VšĮ Lietuvos sveikatos mokslinių tyrimų centras, 2019, vol. 7, no. 12, Oct 31., 2019-11-06, p. 1-6.

    Vidutinis trombocitų tūris (MPV-mean platelet volume) yra bendrojo kraujo tyrimo metu nustatomas rodiklis, kuris apibūdina vidutinį trombocitų dydį ir gali būti susijęs su uždegimu bei tromboze. Didesnis MPV yra susijęs su didesne išeminio insulto, ūminio miokardo infarkto, giliųjų venų trombozės bei plaučių arterijų trombembolijos rizika. Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti MPV sąsajas su lėtiniu prieširdžių virpėjimu (PV) ir periferinių arterijų liga (PAL). Į tyrimą įtraukta 180 pacientų, kurie suskirstyti į grupes: sergančių lėtiniu PV pacientų ir pacientų, kuriems registruotas sinusinis ritmas. Visiems tiriamiesiems apskaičiuotas kulkšnies-žasto indeksas (KŽI), sistolinio arterinio kraujo spaudimo kojose matavimui naudotas 5-MHz dopleris. PAL diagnozuota, kai KŽI gautas <0,9. MPV reikšmės buvo didesnės pacientams sergantiems lėtiniu PV (kontrolinėje grupėje 8,635±1,476 fl, tiriamojoje grupėje 9,131±1,202 fl) (p=0,015). Pacientai, kuriems nustatytas KŽI<0,9 ir MPV>8,55 fl, dažniau sirgo lėtiniu PV nei pacientai, kurių KŽI>0,9, o MPV<8,55 fl (p=0,001). Didesnis MPV buvo susijęs su didesne PAL tikimybe (ŠS 1,608, 95% PI 1,243 – 2,081) (p=0,001) nepriklausomai nuo lyties ir amžiaus (koreguotas ŠS 1,612, 95% PI 1,248 – 2,098) (p=0,001). PAL sergantiems pacientams buvo nustatytas didesnis MPV, kritinė MPV reikšmė - 8,55 fl. MPV reikšmei esant 8,55 fl, rodiklio jautrumas PAL nustatymui buvo 76%, o specifiškumas – 61%.

  • journal article;
    Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojas. Kaunas : Vitae Litera, 2017, t. 21, Nr. 2., 2017-03-13, p. 122-125.

    Mezenterinis panikulitas (MP) – reta patologija, apibūdinama kaip lėtinis, nespecifinis žarnyno pasaito riebalinio audinio uždegimas. Ligos paplitimas – 0,16-2,5 proc. Vyrams ši patologija dažnesnė nei moterims, santykis – 2-3:1. Pagrindinis patogeninis mechanizmas yra nespecifinis uždegiminis atsakas į skirtingus etiologiniuis faktorius, tačiau tikslios priežastys iki šiol nepakankamai ištirtos. Histologiškai išskiriamos trys ligos progresavimo stadijos. Dažniausiai ši liga yra besimptomė ir nustatoma atsitiktinai, kitais atvejais simptomai būna nespecifiniai ir kintami. Kompiuterinė tomografija yra pagrindinis tyrimas MP diagnozei nustatyti. Tiksliai diagnozei patvirtinti reikalinga ekscizinė biopsija ir histologinis tyrimas. Nėra visuotinai priimto sutarimo, kokį gydymą skirti, rekomenduojama gydyti imunomoduliatoriais, priešuždegiminiais, antifibrotiniais vaistais. Chirurginis gydymas gali būti taikomas, jei konservatyvusis gydymas neveiksmingas arba yra gyvybei pavojingų komplikacijų.

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  • conference poster; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Conference "Baltic States - Challenges for Inland Aquaculture" : Poster presentations abstract book : Jūrmala, Latvia, November 7-8, 2024, 2024-11-07, p. 16-17

    Our previous study showed that fermentation can improve the nutritional value of soy (1). Hence, the aim of this study was to modify (M) the main protein component of feed (soya), using technological microorganisms – Pediococcus acidilactici (Pa) and P. pentosaceus (Pp) – and to assess the impact of feed produced with non-pre-treated and M soy on the growth performance and meat quality of Clarias gariepinus. An 18-week experiment was conducted in a recirculating aquaculture system using 150 fish (12 weeks old, with a body weight of 100±10 g). The fish were divided into three groups (50/tank): a control group (C) fed with basal feed, and two treated groups fed with basal feed where the soy was M with Pa and Pp, respectively. After the experiment, parameters of 12 randomly selected fish from each group were analysed. Significant differences (p≤0.05) were observed in the dorsal finbase (in C, Pa, and Pp, 33.1±2.47, 32.6±1.65, and 30.0±1.72, respectively) and caudal peduncle length indexes (47.2±1.53, 47.9±1.56, and 49.9±1.89, respectively). Compared to the C group, the Pa and Pp groups showed, on average, 13.1 and 40.3% higher meat intramuscular fat (IF) content, respectively. Higher dry matter (DM), ash (AC), and protein (PC) content was found in the Pa and Pp groups’ meat, compared to the C group (on average, 5.5 and 3.5% higher DM, 20.5 and 40.9% higher AC, and 3.4 and 4.2% higher PC, respectively). The meat from the Pp group also showed, on average, 4.7% higher monounsaturated fatty acid content compared to the C group. It can be concluded that feed prepared in this manner can be recommended for a more efficient catfish farming.

  • PublicationIsolation and identification of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. by PCR-RFLP in broiler flocks
    [Termofilinių Campylobacter spp. broilerių pulkuose aptikimas ir identifikavimas PGR-RFIP metodu]
    research article; ; ;
    Veterinarija ir zootechnika. Kaunas : Lietuvos veterinarijos akademija, 2008, t. 42(64)., 2008-04-17, p. 44-47.

    Tyrimo tikslas buvo aptikti ir identifikuoti termofilines Campylobacter spp. broilerių pulkuose, naudojant polimerazės grandininę reakciją restrikcijos fermentų ilgio polimorfizmo (PGR-RFIP) metodu. Tyrimo metu ištirta 40 broilerių kloakos mėginių, paimtų iš atsitiktinai parinktų skirtingų broilerių pulkų skirtingose Lietuvos broilerių fermose. Termofilinės kampilobakterijos išskirtos tiesiogiai sėjant ant mCCDA agaro ir sėjant ant mCCDA agaro atlikus pagausinimą Bolton sultinyje. Tyrimo metu nustatėme, kad visi keturi broilerių pulkai buvo užsikrėtę Campylobacter spp. bakterijomis. Alikus PGR reakciją, Campylobacter spp. nustatytos 37 (92,5 proc.) iš 40 tirtų broilerių kloakos mėginių. Atlikus PGR-RFIP reakciją su restrikcijos fermentais AluI ir TspEl. nustatyta, kad iš 37 broilerių kloakos mėginių 32 (86,5 proc.) buvo užsikrėtę C. jejuni ir 5 (13,5 proc.) – C. coli bakterijomis. Trijuose iš keturių tirtų broilerių pulkų buvo nustatytos C. jejuni, viename pulke broileriai buvo užsikrėtę tiek C. jejuni, tiek C. coli bakterijomis. Mūsų duomenimis, PCR-RFLP metodu Lietuvoje broilerių pulkų užsikrėtimas Campylobacter spp. bakterijomis iki šiol tirtas nebuvo. Tikimės, kad šio tyrimo rezultatai bus naudingi atliekant tolimesnius kampilobakterijų epidemiologinius tyrimus.

  • research article;
    Legas, G
    Uogintienė, G.
    Pirminės profilaktikos ir higienos apsektai : mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. Vilnius, 1987., p. 25-28.
  • Background and Objectives: Recent findings suggest that neurodegeneration starts early in the course of multiple sclerosis (MS) and significantly contributes to the progression of patients’ disability. Tau is a microtubule-binding protein that is known to play a role in the pathophysiology of many neurodegenerative disorders. Newly emerging data on tau protein-induced neurodegenerative processes and its possible involvement in MS suggest that it may be involved in the pathology of early-stage MS. Therefore, this study aimed to test this hypothesis in patients with newly diagnosed MS. Materials and Methods: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected from 19 patients with newly diagnosed MS and 19 control subjects. All MS patients underwent neurological examination, lumbar punction, and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CSF concentrations of total and phosphorylated tau (phospho-tau-181) protein were measured using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. Results: The total tau concentration was significantly higher in the CSF of MS patients compared to controls (141.67 pg/mL, IQR 77.79–189.17 and 68.77 pg/mL, IQR 31.24–109.17, p = 0.025). In MS patients, the total tau protein positively correlated with total CSF protein (r = 0.471, p = 0.048). Significantly higher total tau concentration was measured in MS patients with higher lesion load in brain MRI (≥9 versus <9 lesions; 168.33 pg/mL, IQR 111.67–222.32 and 73.33 pg/mL, IQR -32.13–139.29-, p = 0.021). The CSF concentration of phospho-tau-181 protein was below the detection limit in both MS and control subjects. Conclusions: The concentration of total tau protein level is elevated, whereas phospho-tau-181 is undetectable in the CSF of patients with early-stage MS.

  • conference paper; ;
    Материалы 22-й научной конференции Каунасского медицинского института / Министерство высшего и среднего специального образования Литовской ССР, Каунасский медицинский институт. Каунас : [Каунас. мед. ин-т], 1973., p. 120-121.
Most SCOPUS cited
  • conference poster; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Conference "Baltic States - Challenges for Inland Aquaculture" : Poster presentations abstract book : Jūrmala, Latvia, November 7-8, 2024, 2024-11-07, p. 16-17

    Our previous study showed that fermentation can improve the nutritional value of soy (1). Hence, the aim of this study was to modify (M) the main protein component of feed (soya), using technological microorganisms – Pediococcus acidilactici (Pa) and P. pentosaceus (Pp) – and to assess the impact of feed produced with non-pre-treated and M soy on the growth performance and meat quality of Clarias gariepinus. An 18-week experiment was conducted in a recirculating aquaculture system using 150 fish (12 weeks old, with a body weight of 100±10 g). The fish were divided into three groups (50/tank): a control group (C) fed with basal feed, and two treated groups fed with basal feed where the soy was M with Pa and Pp, respectively. After the experiment, parameters of 12 randomly selected fish from each group were analysed. Significant differences (p≤0.05) were observed in the dorsal finbase (in C, Pa, and Pp, 33.1±2.47, 32.6±1.65, and 30.0±1.72, respectively) and caudal peduncle length indexes (47.2±1.53, 47.9±1.56, and 49.9±1.89, respectively). Compared to the C group, the Pa and Pp groups showed, on average, 13.1 and 40.3% higher meat intramuscular fat (IF) content, respectively. Higher dry matter (DM), ash (AC), and protein (PC) content was found in the Pa and Pp groups’ meat, compared to the C group (on average, 5.5 and 3.5% higher DM, 20.5 and 40.9% higher AC, and 3.4 and 4.2% higher PC, respectively). The meat from the Pp group also showed, on average, 4.7% higher monounsaturated fatty acid content compared to the C group. It can be concluded that feed prepared in this manner can be recommended for a more efficient catfish farming.

  • PublicationIsolation and identification of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. by PCR-RFLP in broiler flocks
    [Termofilinių Campylobacter spp. broilerių pulkuose aptikimas ir identifikavimas PGR-RFIP metodu]
    research article; ; ;
    Veterinarija ir zootechnika. Kaunas : Lietuvos veterinarijos akademija, 2008, t. 42(64)., 2008-04-17, p. 44-47.

    Tyrimo tikslas buvo aptikti ir identifikuoti termofilines Campylobacter spp. broilerių pulkuose, naudojant polimerazės grandininę reakciją restrikcijos fermentų ilgio polimorfizmo (PGR-RFIP) metodu. Tyrimo metu ištirta 40 broilerių kloakos mėginių, paimtų iš atsitiktinai parinktų skirtingų broilerių pulkų skirtingose Lietuvos broilerių fermose. Termofilinės kampilobakterijos išskirtos tiesiogiai sėjant ant mCCDA agaro ir sėjant ant mCCDA agaro atlikus pagausinimą Bolton sultinyje. Tyrimo metu nustatėme, kad visi keturi broilerių pulkai buvo užsikrėtę Campylobacter spp. bakterijomis. Alikus PGR reakciją, Campylobacter spp. nustatytos 37 (92,5 proc.) iš 40 tirtų broilerių kloakos mėginių. Atlikus PGR-RFIP reakciją su restrikcijos fermentais AluI ir TspEl. nustatyta, kad iš 37 broilerių kloakos mėginių 32 (86,5 proc.) buvo užsikrėtę C. jejuni ir 5 (13,5 proc.) – C. coli bakterijomis. Trijuose iš keturių tirtų broilerių pulkų buvo nustatytos C. jejuni, viename pulke broileriai buvo užsikrėtę tiek C. jejuni, tiek C. coli bakterijomis. Mūsų duomenimis, PCR-RFLP metodu Lietuvoje broilerių pulkų užsikrėtimas Campylobacter spp. bakterijomis iki šiol tirtas nebuvo. Tikimės, kad šio tyrimo rezultatai bus naudingi atliekant tolimesnius kampilobakterijų epidemiologinius tyrimus.

  • research article;
    Legas, G
    Uogintienė, G.
    Pirminės profilaktikos ir higienos apsektai : mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. Vilnius, 1987., p. 25-28.
  • Background and Objectives: Recent findings suggest that neurodegeneration starts early in the course of multiple sclerosis (MS) and significantly contributes to the progression of patients’ disability. Tau is a microtubule-binding protein that is known to play a role in the pathophysiology of many neurodegenerative disorders. Newly emerging data on tau protein-induced neurodegenerative processes and its possible involvement in MS suggest that it may be involved in the pathology of early-stage MS. Therefore, this study aimed to test this hypothesis in patients with newly diagnosed MS. Materials and Methods: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was collected from 19 patients with newly diagnosed MS and 19 control subjects. All MS patients underwent neurological examination, lumbar punction, and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CSF concentrations of total and phosphorylated tau (phospho-tau-181) protein were measured using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. Results: The total tau concentration was significantly higher in the CSF of MS patients compared to controls (141.67 pg/mL, IQR 77.79–189.17 and 68.77 pg/mL, IQR 31.24–109.17, p = 0.025). In MS patients, the total tau protein positively correlated with total CSF protein (r = 0.471, p = 0.048). Significantly higher total tau concentration was measured in MS patients with higher lesion load in brain MRI (≥9 versus <9 lesions; 168.33 pg/mL, IQR 111.67–222.32 and 73.33 pg/mL, IQR -32.13–139.29-, p = 0.021). The CSF concentration of phospho-tau-181 protein was below the detection limit in both MS and control subjects. Conclusions: The concentration of total tau protein level is elevated, whereas phospho-tau-181 is undetectable in the CSF of patients with early-stage MS.

  • conference paper; ;
    Материалы 22-й научной конференции Каунасского медицинского института / Министерство высшего и среднего специального образования Литовской ССР, Каунасский медицинский институт. Каунас : [Каунас. мед. ин-т], 1973., p. 120-121.


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