[This template was created by the Department for Information Services of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, from templates prepared by the following institutions: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Oregon State University, Cornell University, University of Bath Library.] [For questions or guidance about using this template contact elvyra.bulavaite@lsmu.lt] [This template is published under a CC0 license.] [Instructions in this document are in between brackets.] [Fill this template as thoroughly as possible to ensure the compliance with FAIR principles.] [When you are done filling this template delete all instructions and delete any sections or questions that do not apply to the dataset.] *********************************************************************************************************************************** This documentation file was generated on [date in YYYY-MM-DD format] by [SURNAME, NAME] GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: 2. Authorship: [Provide information about researchers according to this structure. Repeat the process, one for each author.] Name: Institution: ORCID: 3. Contact details: [Provide the contact details of the person in charge of this dataset.] Name: Institution: E-mail: ORCID: DESCRIPTION ----------- 1. Dataset language: 2. Abstract: [The abstract should describe the dataset, not the research or the results obtained after analyzing the dataset. The dataset abstract should be different from the article, book or thesis abstract.] 3. Keywords: [Provide a minimum of three keywords.] 4. Type of data: [Select one of these listed typologies and delete all the other options.] Aggregated data Clinical trial data Compiled data Encoded data Experimental data Genomic data Geospatial data Laboratory notebook Measurement and test data Observational data Recorded data Simulation data Survey data 5. Date of data collection (single date or date range): [Format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD - YYYY-MM-DD] 6. Date of dataset publication: [Format YYYY-MM-DD] 7. Funding sources: [Repeat the information for each funder if applicable] Funding agency: Project/Grant number: 8. Geographic location/s of data collection: [Latitude, longitude, city, region, country, etc.] ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: [Recommended license: CC-BY] 2. Related publication: [Bibliographic citation of the publication related with the dataset in your discipline's standard style, including DOI.] 4. Link to related datasets: [(E.g. Datasets from the same project) according to this structure.] DOI/URL: VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE ------------------------- 1. Last modification date: [Format YYYY-MM-DD] 2. Version: 2. Was data derived from another source?: [Answer Yes or No. If Yes, list source in your discipline's standard style.] 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection-generation of data: [Include references, in your discipline's standard style, to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used in data collection.] 2. Methods for processing the data: [Describe how the submitted data were generated from the raw or collected data.] 3. Instrument- or software- specific information needed to interpret the data: [Include version of software. If software is not openly available, explain where to get the software. Consider changing the format of the dataset into an open format (recommended).] 4. Instruments, calibration and standards information: 5. Environmental or experimental conditions: [E.g.: atmospheric influences, computational environment, etc.] 6. Quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: FILE OVERVIEW -------------- 1. Explain the file naming convention, if applicable: 2. File List: [All files in the dataset should be listed here. Filenames should include the extension (.csv, .pdf, etc.). Repeat the structure for every file. Include directory/folders structure, if applicable.] Filename: Short description: 3. Relationship between files: 4. File format: TABULAR DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION --------------------------------- [This section should be created for each file or dataset that requires explanation of variables (typically, tabular data). All variables should be described. Include the measurement units.] 1. File name: 2. Number of rows and columns: 3. Variable list: [Repeat the structure for each variable.] Variable name: Description: Measurement units or value labels: 4. Missing data codes: [Repeat the structure for each code or symbol.] Code or symbol: Definition: 5. Specialized formats or abbreviations used: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ---------------- [Include any other information about the dataset not reflected in the template that you consider relevant]