Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Research Management System (CRIS)

DSpace-CRIS 7

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  • journal article
    Pediatrija, 2025-03-05, no. 1(109), p. 47-49

    Jonizuojamosios spinduliuotės kasdien gauname iš natūralių ir dirbtinių šaltinių. Vaikai yra jautresni jonizuojamajai spinduliuotei. [...].

  • PublicationAtopinis dermatitas: diagnostika, gydymas ir naujos perspektyvos
    [Atopic dermatitis: diagnostics, treatment and new perspectives]
    journal article
    Pediatrija, 2025-03-05, no. 1(109), p. 33-40

    Atopinis dermatitas - tai lėtinė, recidyvuojanti odos liga, dažniausiai išsivystanti sulaukus ankstyvojo amžiaus, kurios simptomams kontroliuoti reikalingas nuolatinis gydymas ir paskirto režimo laikymasis. [...].

  • Herein, we review the critical role of a multi-disciplinary team approach in managing the intricate complications of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) complicated by cardiogenic shock (CS). Mechanical circulatory support (MCS) implantation represents a potentially life-saving intervention, often serving as a bridge to heart transplantation (HTx). However, complications from prior interventions, in patients receiving MCS due to STEMI-CS, may present additional challenges to successful HTx candidacy. A 63-year-old male suffered out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and was hospitalized due to acute anterior STEMI-CS. Emergency percutaneous coronary intervention was performed in the setting of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Despite successful revascularization and subsequent optimal medical therapy hemodynamic status remained compromised, the decision was made to implant a HeartMate 3 (HM3) left ventricular assist device (LVAD) as a bridge to HTx. HM3 LVAD was implanted without complications and patient was weaned from mechanical ventilation. The later postoperative period was complicated by infections leading to the LVAD-related complications. Moreover, the patient experienced repeated episodes of stridor, which were attributed to significant tracheal stenosis (due to temporary tracheostomy). Finally, a suitable heart donor was found and a successful HTx was performed.

  • conference paper
    Pauliukaitytė, I.
    ; ;
    Bulota, M.
    Krugly, E.
    Martuzevičius, D.
    8th International Polysaccharide Conference EPNOE 2023 : September 17-22, 2023, Graz, Austria, 2023-09-17, p. 292-292

    In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in the production of cellulose structures with superior characteristics. The fabrication of regenerated nanofibrous cellulose from ionic liquid (ILs) solutions is among such production methods [1]. Such cellulose fibres are highly sought-after in the biomedical field because of its biodegradability, biocompatibility, and large surface area [2]. The present research demonstrates a successful dissolution of cellulose by means of IL 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (BMIMAc), combined with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a co-solvent. The resulting solution was electrospun using a wet-type electrospinning apparatus and the smooth cellulose matrix consisting of nanofibres were obtained. The addition of a co-solvent during the solution preparation stage led to the generation of solutions that demonstrated enhanced uniformity, reduced viscosity, and increased electrical conductivity. As a consequence of that, the electrospinning process and the morphology of nanofibrous matrix were improved. The research determined that the most favorable proportion of solvent/co-solvent is 1:1. Under these circumstances the resulting electrospun cellulose matrices exhibit smooth structure and comprise cylinder type fibres. The inclusion of the co-solvent did not result in chemical alterations of cellulose. The fibrous matrix subjected to in vitro cytotoxicity assay using mouse fibroblast L929 and cell proliferation tests using human triple-negative breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cell lines. The results showed that the regenerated cellulose matrix did not possess significant cytotoxicity, and supported cell growth during 7 day period. Such results encourage the exploration of cellulose matrices for a further research and potential applications in biomedical fields.

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