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DSpace-CRIS 7

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  • conference paper
    Petrauskaitė, Samanta
    Ryliškis, D.
    PLANTA+. НАУКА, ПРАКТИКА ТА ОСВІТА: матеріали V науковопрактичної конференції з міжнародною участю, присвяченої пам’яті доктора хімічних наук, професорки Ніни Павлівни Максютіної (до 100-річчя від дня народження) (Київ, 28-29 січня 2025 р.) = «PLANTA+. SCIENCE, PRACTICE AND EDUCATION» The proceedings of the Fifth Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Chemistry Professor Nina Pavlivna Maksyutina (on her 100th birthday) (28-29 January 2025, Kyiv), 2025-01-28, vol. 1, p. 61-62

    Introduction: Apples are among the most consumed fruits all over the world and are valued not only for their taste but also for their high health value. The mentioned benefits can be mainly attributed to the high content of bioactive compounds, mainly polyphenols, in which flavan-3-ols belong. Polyphenols are a class of secondary metabolites that contain an aromatic ring with one or more hydroxyl groups. The structural combination of conjugated double bonds with hydroxyl groups in polyphenols enables the effective neutralization of free radicals, hence they play a significant role in reducing oxidative stress. These features are significant contributors to their antioxidant activity. Flavan3-ols are compounds with potent antioxidant properties and play a vital role in the mitigation of oxidative stress and the reduction of the risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer [1]. The concentration of flavan-3-ols in apples is significantly influenced by the specific apple cultivar, which directly impacts their antioxidant properties and associated health benefits [2]. [...].

  • conference paper
    Saliamoras, Matas
    Ryliškis, D.
    PLANTA+. НАУКА, ПРАКТИКА ТА ОСВІТА: матеріали V науковопрактичної конференції з міжнародною участю, присвяченої пам’яті доктора хімічних наук, професорки Ніни Павлівни Максютіної (до 100-річчя від дня народження) (Київ, 28-29 січня 2025 р.) = «PLANTA+. SCIENCE, PRACTICE AND EDUCATION» The proceedings of the Fifth Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Chemistry Professor Nina Pavlivna Maksyutina (on her 100th birthday) (28-29 January 2025, Kyiv), 2025-01-28, vol. 1, p. 59-60

    Introduction. Apples are one of the most important and widely consumed fruits, rich in valuable nutrients [1]. Apples are used to make many products such as cider, juice, jams, compotes, tea, wine and dried apples [1]. Apples are the important part of the human diet [1]. They have a wide range of biologically active compounds beneficial to the human body which strengthen the immunity and protects against oxidative stress [1]. Decorative apple fruits contain many bioactive compounds such as phenolic compounds, flavonoids [2], triterpenic compounds [3], etc. The triterpenic compounds include ursolic acid, which has anticancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory features [3], oleanolic acid, which has hepatoprotective features [4], and a number of other triterpenic compounds. In this study, 19 different apple varieties were analysed for triterpenic compounds and antiradical activity. [...].

  • conference paper
    Kulbokaitė, Gabrielė
    PLANTA+. НАУКА, ПРАКТИКА ТА ОСВІТА: матеріали V науковопрактичної конференції з міжнародною участю, присвяченої пам’яті доктора хімічних наук, професорки Ніни Павлівни Максютіної (до 100-річчя від дня народження) (Київ, 28-29 січня 2025 р.) = «PLANTA+. SCIENCE, PRACTICE AND EDUCATION» The proceedings of the Fifth Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Chemistry Professor Nina Pavlivna Maksyutina (on her 100th birthday) (28-29 January 2025, Kyiv), 2025-01-28, vol. 1, p. 48-49

    Introduction. Prunus padus L., also known as bird cherry, is a common plant in northern Europe. Bird cherry flowers, bark, leaves and fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins and compounds with high antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds among them [1]. The definition of phenolic compounds is broad, as it represents every natural phenolic compound that contains a common chemical structure of an aromatic ring with one or more hydroxyl substituents [2]. Phenols include flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, lignans and coumarins. Studies confirm favorable effects of P. padus for prevention of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension, as well as antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiabetic effects [3]. The aim of this study was to determine the total content of phenolic compounds in flowers of Prunus padus L. from various regions of Lithuania. [...].

  • conference paper
    Leskauskienė, Laura
    PLANTA+. НАУКА, ПРАКТИКА ТА ОСВІТА: матеріали V науковопрактичної конференції з міжнародною участю, присвяченої пам’яті доктора хімічних наук, професорки Ніни Павлівни Максютіної (до 100-річчя від дня народження) (Київ, 28-29 січня 2025 р.) = «PLANTA+. SCIENCE, PRACTICE AND EDUCATION» The proceedings of the Fifth Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Chemistry Professor Nina Pavlivna Maksyutina (on her 100th birthday) (28-29 January 2025, Kyiv), 2025-01-28, vol. 1, p. 50-53

    Introduction. Agropyron repens L. is a perennial herb of the Poaceae family which can be found worldwide in all kinds of grasslands or agricultural fields [3]. The plant is most-known due its allelopathic properties and its water or ethanol extracts can be also used as traditional medicinal herb for the treatment of the urinary tract disorders like urethritis, nephritis or urinary calculi. Furthermore, the extracts made from this plant can be used to relieve symptoms of digestive system disfunction or for protection against diseases of coronary heart like increased cholesterol or diabetes [2, 3]. The main part that is being used from this plant is its rhizomes because it has the biggest amounts of biologically active substances. Agropyron repens L. has flavonoids such as rutin, quercetin, luteolin in its chemical composition. Also, there is monoterpenes timolol, menthol, carvacrol and palmitic acids, three groups of carbohydrates – monosaccharides (rhamnose, glucose and fructose), disaccharides and polysaccharides (inulin and triticin), organic (acetic, butyric, cinnamic and etc.) and phenolic (ferulic, vanillic, chlorogenic and etc.) acids, big amounts of silica and fatty acids in its chemical composition. These chemical compounds determine anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antidiabetic, antioxidative and diuretic effect of the plant [1, 4, 5]. The aim of this research is to evaluate the total content of phenolic compounds, the total amount of flavonoids and antioxidant activity of Agropyron repens L. rhizomes and grass ethanolic extracts in different stages of vegetation. [...].

  • conference paper;
    PLANTA+. НАУКА, ПРАКТИКА ТА ОСВІТА: матеріали V науковопрактичної конференції з міжнародною участю, присвяченої пам’яті доктора хімічних наук, професорки Ніни Павлівни Максютіної (до 100-річчя від дня народження) (Київ, 28-29 січня 2025 р.) = «PLANTA+. SCIENCE, PRACTICE AND EDUCATION» The proceedings of the Fifth Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Chemistry Professor Nina Pavlivna Maksyutina (on her 100th birthday) (28-29 January 2025, Kyiv), 2025-01-28, vol. 1, p. 54-55

    Introduction The Saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia L.) is a deciduous shrub beloning to the rose family (Rosaceae). These shrubs are commonly found in forests and thickets. Their fruits are globose, glabrous berry, approximately 7-15 mm in diameter. It possesses a waxy epicarp and a mesocarp that is both succulent and saccharine. The fruits matures in June [1]. The black-blue berries thar are rich in flavonoids, phenolic compunds, and anthocyanins. Due to its high concentration of bioactive compounds, especially polyphenols, the Saskatoon berry possesses potent antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antitumor, hypoglycemic, antidiabetic, and antiradical properties. Moreover, it can help regulate glucose levels and glycogen accumulation in the human body, highlighting its significant nutritional and nutraceutical value [2]. [...].

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