Stress Expression and Coping among Students in Nursing Faculty
Ugarte, Leydy Lesly |
Recenzentas / Reviewer |
Ugarte Leydy Lesly. Stress Expression and Coping among Students in Nursing Faculty . Bachelor's thesis. Supervisor ass. Jovita Demskytė. Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Nursing Faculty, Department of Nursing. Kaunas, 2023; 6 5 p. Research aim: To determine stress and coping among students in Nursing faculty. Research methodology. The object of bachelor`s thesis research was 4 th year students of the Nursing faculty at LSMU. The permission of the LSMU Bioethics Centre was obtained to conduct the research and the approval of the LSMU Faculty of Nursing dean was obtained as well. A total of 61 students 4 th yea r took part in the study, of which 42 were Nursing students, 9 were occupational therapy and 10 were physical therapy students. The questionnaire prepared by the author of this thesis consists of 28 questions about perceived stress and coping with stress, including questions of demographics (study program, gender age and religion). Each perceived stress questions were multiple choice questions from 0 to 4. Never= 0, almost never:1, sometimes:2, fairly often:3, and very often=4. Coping with stress questions were as well multiple choice questions and were rated from 1 to 4. I usually do not do this at all=1, I usually do this a little bit=2, I usually do this a medium amount=3 and I usually do this a lot=4. A rating was calculated based on the number of point s. The questionnaire reached a rate of 91% response and completed questionnaires were analyzed using IBM SPSS. It was used descriptive data statistics (n, %), Mann Whitney test for variable values in populations, Spearman’s was used to determine relationsh ips between variables. Re search re sults The research sample consisted of a total of 61 students (n=61) of the programs of the Nursing Faculty of Nursing of the Medical Academy at LSMU: 42 were Nursing students (68.9%), 9 were occupational therapy (14.8%) and 10 were physical therapy students (16.4 ). students have experienced moderate stress. The questionnaire had a lowest of 0= never to the hig hest 4=very often 36 participants answered having sometimes been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly, with a percentage of 59.0%. 30 participants answered feeling sometimes unable to control the important things in life, with a percentage of 49.2%. 25 participants have answered feeling fairly often nervous and stressed, with a percentage of 41.0%. 31 participants have answered, feeling sometimes confident about their ability to handle personal problems, with a percentage of 50.8%. 30 parti cipants answered feeling sometimes that things were going their way, with a percentage of 49.2%. 28 participants answered they sometimes could not cope with all the things they had to do, with a percentage of 45.9%. 36 participants answered having sometime s been able to control irritations in their life, with a percentage of 59.0%. 35 participants have sometimes felt that they were on top of things, with a percentage of 57.4%. 28 participants have been sometimes angered because of things that happened that were outside their control, with a percentage of 45.9%. 25 participants having fairly often stress affecting their functionality, with a percentage of 41.0%. 24 participants answered having sometimes felt lonely and isolated, with a percentage of 39.3%. 2 3 participants answered having fairly often trouble relaxing, with a percentage of 37,7%. Students showed as well how they cope with stress: the points were notes as 1= do not do this at all 4= I do this a lot. 2 28 participants answered having skipped a little bit a meal or more, with a percentage of 45.9. 29 participants answered feeling distract and avoiding problems a medium amount, with a percentage of 47.5. 31 participants answered trying to see a problem in a different way a medium amount, with a pe rcentage of 50.8. 23 participants answered that facial expression helps a little bit reduce the problem of tension and frustration, with a percentage of 37.7. 26 participants answered that they received a little bit support of the environment, with a perce ntage of 42.6. 21 participants answered eating a little bit after being full, with a percentage of 34.4. 18 participants answered that pets helped a lot with coping stress, with a percentage of 29.5. 24 5 participants answered that they pray or meditate a li participants answered that they pray or meditate a little bit, with a percentage of 39.3. 35 ttle bit, with a percentage of 39.3. 35 participants answered they do not do that at all in reading or writing down their feelings, with a participants answered they do not do that at all in reading or writing down their feelings, with a percentage of 57.4. 27 participants answered that they Lean on their family and friends a little bit, percentage of 57.4. 27 participants answered that they Lean on their family and friends a little bit, with a percentawith a percentage of 44.3. 20 participants answered they do physical activity in a medium amount, ge of 44.3. 20 participants answered they do physical activity in a medium amount, with a percentage of 32.8with a percentage of 32.8.. 8 participants answered having skipped a little bit a meal or more, with a percentage of 8 participants answered having skipped a little bit a meal or more, with a percentage of 45.9. 29 participants answered feeling distract and avoidi45.9. 29 participants answered feeling distract and avoiding problems a medium amount, with a ng problems a medium amount, with a percentage of 47.5%. 31 participants answered trying to see a problem in a different way a medium percentage of 47.5%. 31 participants answered trying to see a problem in a different way a medium amount, with a percentage of 50.8%. 23 participants answered that facial expression helps a little bit amount, with a percentage of 50.8%. 23 participants answered that facial expression helps a little bit reduce the problem reduce the problem of tension and frustration, with a percentage of 37.7%. 26 participants answered of tension and frustration, with a percentage of 37.7%. 26 participants answered that they received a little bit support of the environment, with a percentage of 42.6%. 24 that they received a little bit support of the environment, with a percentage of 42.6%. 24 participants answered that they pray or meditate a little bit, with a percentage of participants answered that they pray or meditate a little bit, with a percentage of 39.3%39.3%. . 27 27 participants answered that they Lean on their family and friends a little bit, with a percentage of participants answered that they Lean on their family and friends a little bit, with a percentage of 44.3%. 20 participants answered they do physical activity in a medium amount, with a percentage 44.3%. 20 participants answered they do physical activity in a medium amount, with a percentage of 32.8%.of 32.8%. Nursing students do experience stress at Nursing students do experience stress at a moderate level and do as well cope with stress a moderate level and do as well cope with stress in in different waysdifferent ways.. Conclusions Conclusions
- There are no significant differences in determining the stress among the students of There are no significant differences in determining the stress among the students of Nursing faculty programs: Nursing, Physiotherapy and Physical therapy. Perceived Nursing faculty programs: Nursing, Physiotherapy and Physical therapy. Perceived stress is stress is moderate. According to the research data, it can be stated that Nursing Faculty students perceive moderate. According to the research data, it can be stated that Nursing Faculty students perceive stress.stress.
- The participants in all the The participants in all the three three programs express the same coping mechanisms. programs express the same coping mechanisms. According to the results of the study they did not receive eAccording to the results of the study they did not receive emotional support from the environment motional support from the environment and did not read nor write down their feelings. Participants did not do much physical activities. and did not read nor write down their feelings. Participants did not do much physical activities.
- StudentsStudents did not have a significant differencdid not have a significant difference in coping stress in gender.e in coping stress in gender. BothBoth genders expressed thegenders expressed the same stress. Accsame stress. According to demographics and genderording to demographics and gender,, studentsstudents had no had no significant difference but according to religion and program a majority of participants with a largesignificant difference but according to religion and program a majority of participants with a larger r sample size where Christianssample size where Christians were 32 participants (52.5%) and Nursing students were 42 (68.9%)were 32 participants (52.5%) and Nursing students were 42 (68.9%) more more ststressed ressed than Occupational therapy than Occupational therapy 9 (14.8)9 (14.8) and Physical therapy and Physical therapy 10 (16.410 (16.4%)%)