Aukštesniųjų klasių (XI - XII) moksleivių streso tyrimas
Bujevičiūtė, Rasa |
Obelenis, Vytautas |
Ustinavičienė, Rūta | Komisijos pirmininkas / Committee Chairman |
Milašauskienė, Žemyna | Komisijos narys / Committee Member |
Raškevičienė, Rita | Komisijos narys / Committee Member |
Gedgaudienė, Ona | Komisijos narys / Committee Member |
Goal of the paper: examine and evaluate stress and stressors of the senior pupils (that attend the 11th-12th forms). Objectives: Identify stressors of the urban and regional pupils and evaluate possible territorial differences. Learn about pupils’ subjective evaluation of their health state. Set recommendations for the prophylaxis of pupils’ stress. Research material and methods: 521 senior pupils - 286 from Kaunas and 235 from Birzai - were selected at random and questioned. The stress-evaluating questionnaire covered two parts: scale of subjectively perceived stress (10 points) and stress-evaluating scale for the juvenile. The pupils were also questioned about the issues of smoking, use of strong drinks. They were asked to mark all the symptoms that bothered them through the past 12 months. The statistical data analysis was performed by means of a statistical package “SSPS 11.5”. Results: 29.9% out of 521 pupils that were questioned experience slight stress, 46.3 % - great stress, and 23.8%- enormous stress. The major stressors of the aforementioned pupils are lack of sleep (70.6%), arguments with family and friends (62.2%), problems at school (39.0%), use of alcohol and drugs (36.5%). Girls usually pinpoint arguments with family and friends, separation, alteration of living conditions. Boys distinguish more often the use of strong drinks and drugs or a misdemeanor. It has been noticed that the more pupils use strong drinks (starting with abstinence and continuing with the use of strong drinks two or three times a week), the less they smoke (p<0.05). The pupils were especially emaciated by somnolence during their classes (74.9%), headache (65.6%), efficiency decrease and fatigue (56.6%). Conclusion: the stress’ level of pupils in the cities, where the research was performed, is more or less the same: 34.2% of pupils sometimes experience stress and 62.8% are often under stress. The results of stress scale for the juvenile showed that 29.9% of pupils experience slight stress, 46.3%- strong stress, and 23.8% - enormous stress. The most frequent stressors are as follows: lack of sleep (70.6%), arguments with family and friends (62.2%), problems at school (39.0%), and use of strong drinks or drugs (36.5%). During the past 12 months the pupils of the cities of Kaunas and Birzai have been complaining mostly about somnolence during their classes (74.9%), headache (65.6%), efficiency decrease and fatigue (56.6%). Girls complained of different afflictions more often than boys.