The Quality of life in schoolchildren with acne in Lithuania
Author(s) | |
Gollnick, Harald | Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Otto-von- Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany |
Date Issued |
2017-04-26 |
eISSN: 1610-0387
Background : Acne is a chronic infl ammatory skin disease that infl uences the quality of life (QL) and causes social and psychological stigmatization. Methods : A cross-sectional study was conducted on n=1277 children (7–19 years). To evaluate the onset of puberty, girls provided details about their menarche and boys-about the start of facial hair growth. Acne diagnosis was confi rmed by at least one dermatologist (specifi c acne lesions on the face, back or chest). The severity of acne was based on the revised Leeds technique. After clinical examination, the participants were asked to fi ll out the Children‘s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI). Results : Among n=1229 examined children, 1019 had acne (82.9%). The prevalence of acne increased with age and was highest among adolescents. Overall, 49.3% of participants had mild acne. Respectively, 5.9% and 0.2% subjects had moderate and severe forms of the disease. Acne had no impact on the QL for more than one-half (63.6%) of children and adolescents (621 out of 976). For 289 schoolchildren, acne had a slight impact on the QL (29.5%). Correspondingly, for 49 (5.0%) and 18 children (1.8%) acne had a medium and a strong impact on the QL. The infl uence of the disease on the QL is higher among schoolchildren with moderate or severe acne compared to those with mild one (OR 4.9; 95% confi dence interval: 1.4–17.3). The impairment of QL is higher in schoolchildren after puberty and in those with longer acne duration. Conclusions : The impairment of QL in children with acne depends on the severity and duration of the disease. Puberty can negatively affect the QL in pupils with acne.