VoiceScreen - take care of your voice through the phone
Date Issued |
2020-12-18 |
Voice disorders (hoarseness) are a common condition manifesting in almost 10% of the population. The causes of hoarseness can be related to common respiratory diseases and/or to vocal fatigue caused by vocal overload, however it can also be related to functional, behavioral, neurologic factors and both benign and malignant laryngeal tumors. Hoarseness can also be an early symptom of laryngeal cancer. The VoiceScreen app requires the user to perform two simple tasks: 1). Sustain a vowel [a:] sound for 4 seconds, 2) Read the provided sentence. The users’ voice is recorded and then analyzed extracting six acoustic voice function parameters which are then weighted and merged together to provide the user with the Acoustic Voice Quality Index (AVQI) of his/her voice. The value of AVQI as a clinical marker of overall voice quality has already been proven across multiple studies revealing adequate diagnostic accuracy. The AVQI values do not depend on gender and age. The VoiceScreen app calculates and displays the value of AVQI and also provides the user with recommendations based on the test results. The provided recommendations should be taken as guidance on what to do next to help the user’s voice. [...].