The evaluation of cognitive and psychomotor disorders changes in occupational therapy of patients with stroke
Aim: To evaluate cognitive and psychomotor disorders of patients with stroke and to asses the effectiveness of occupational therapy. The contingent of the examined patients consisted of 30 patients with stroke rehabilitated in the Department of Neurorehabilitation at Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital. The average age of rehabilitees was 65.33 ±13.2 years. During the study we evaluated their cognitive functions (with MMSE and by NCSE), handgrip strength (with dynamometer), reaction time and frequency of movements (speed of finger tapping). Results: After the applied course of individualized occupational therapy, cognitive functions of the patients significantly improved. The increased in cognitive functions estimated with MMSE was 6.4 (±2.3) scores, and 13.3 (±10) assessed by NCSE. In early stage of rehabilitation, mostly affected cognitive functions were memory present in 83% of patients, constructional capabilities in 70% of patients, and orientation in 57% of patients. Conclusion: At the end of rehabilitation a significant improvement was assessed in all the studied cognitive functions. After rehabilitation a significant improvement was assessed in patients reaction time and movement frequency. The results of the research have shown, a moderate strong significant correlation between the mental state of the patients and reaction time after applied rehabilitation. References: 1. Alladi S, et al. Cognitive rehabilitation in Stroke: therapy and techniques. Neurology India 2002; 50: 102–108. 2. Campbell A, et al. The relationship between neuropsychological measures and self-care skills in patients with cerebrovascular lesions.