Is Quantitative Flow Ratio reliable enough to make a treatment decision for non-culprit STEMI vessel's PCI during primary PCI procedure?
Date Issued |
2022-05-17 |
Why this study? Physiology guided PCIs are suppored by experts worldwide. Ordinary physiology evaluation methods may be risky for acute or unstable patients. A novel non-invasive FFR value computation by Quantitative Flow Ratio (QFR) method is reliable and reproducible compared to both FFR and resting indices in stable patients. There is no evidence of QFR or other physiology evaluation methods reliability during STEMI in non-culprit lesions yet. The study was aimed to investigate 1. numerical head-to-head agreement between 2 independent QFR measurements in the same non-culprit artery during STEMI index PCI and during staged procedure at least 3-month later; 2. treatment dec ision making differences between those 2 independent QFR measurements. How was the study executed? In total, 105 vessels of 79 patients diagnosed with STEMI between January 2021 and June 2021 and whose, who had and at least one intermediate lesion in other than culprit artery have been included into this single center study. For all included patients QFR analyses were performed twice 1. at index PCI (AFR 1) 2. during staged procedure at least 3 months later (QFR 2). All measurements were performed by the same experienced double certifield QFR-observer. Correlation between those two measurements were calculated using statistical analysis software package SPSS 20.0. The chosen level of significance was p<0.001. An excellent numerical agreement was found in all investigated lesions, r 610.931, p<0.001. [...].