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Skystieji ir dujiniai naftos produktai. Dinaminių matavimų tikslumas ir saugumas. Elektrinių ir (arba) elektroninių impulsinių duomenų perdavimas kabeliu (ISO 6551:1982)
LST EN ISO 6551:2000
Original Reference
EN ISO 6551:1995
Skystieji ir dujiniai naftos produktai. Dinaminių matavimų tikslumas ir saugumas. Elektrinių ir (arba) elektroninių impulsinių duomenų perdavimas kabeliu (ISO 6551:1982)
Other Title
Petroleum liquids and gases - Fidelity and security of dynamic measurement - Cabled transmission of electric and/or elecronic pulsed data (ISO 6551:1982)
Lietuvos standartizacijos departamentas
Date Issued
Technical Committee
TK 40 Nafta ir naftos produktai
Foreign Technical Committee
CEN/TC 19 Dujinis ir skystasis kuras, tepalai ir susiję naftos, sintetiniai ir biologiniai produktai
No | Subject |
75.180.30 | Tūrio matavimas ir įranga |
This International Standard establishes guidelines for ensuring the fidelity and security of pulsed data cabled transmission Systems utilized for the metering of fluids (see the note), a main objective being to ensure the integrity of the primary indication (sec 2.2.5). NOTE - Compliance with the requirements of this International Standard does not increase the basic precision of measurement, either in the electrical or electronie section of the System, or in the Overall System which includes the meter(
- 1.2 Levels of security 1.2.1 In Order to achieve different Ievels of security (sec the note and clause 3) which tan be applied to such Systems, criteria and recommendations for the design, installation, use and maintenance of the relevant equipment are laid down. NOTE - The levels of security are designated to the hig hest Order of security respectively.For the majority of applications, the lower levels are considered to be adequate and at the time of the publication of this International Standard, there is no known System for which Level A security is considered to be a necessity. 1.2.2 This International Standard does not define which levels of security are to be used for a particular System application. 13. Safety and regulatory requirements. 1.3.1 Regulatory requirements, including those for safety, are not specifically covered in detail but certain general cautionary notes on safety are included for guidance (sec the note). NOTE - Compliance with this International Standard in no way absolves manufacturers and users of Systems and equipment from meeting all relevant legal metrology (weights and measures), safety and other regulations applicable in the country in which it is intended to use a System. Special attention is drawn to 0.5 and 0.6 of the Introduction
Document | Language | Pages |
en | 14 |
Taip / Yes
Date of Submission