Kvėpavimo organų sistemos funkcijos ankstyvųjų sutrikimų klausimu
Date Issued |
1977 |
The article deals with the data of a questinnaire in an outpatient department, and a functional pulmonary investigation of 386 third-year students of the Kaunas Medical Institute. Some precipitating causes of bronchopulmonary disorders are rather frequently found in this age group, e.g. cigarette smoking (11.9 per cent), common cold (8.8 per cent), acute pneumonia (24.9 per cent). Certain function disorders of the respiratory system, such as a slight decrease of the timed vital capacity (forced expiratory volume) or an increased bronchial reaction to some chemical irritants are already detectable in these young people. According to the data obtained, chronic nonspecific diseases are rare in this age group: just 1 case (0.3 per cent) of chronic bronchitis. The authors indicate that smokers with subacute relapsing bronchitis and functional dyskinesias of bronchi are the real candidates to chronic pulmonary pathology. The main points of prevention of this pathology are presented in the article.