Important Updates to the Rules for Accessing the LSMU Sports Centre Services: Key Information to Participate in Sports

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Regular exercise not only strengthens your body but also benefits mental health. Physical activity makes you feel more energetic, strengthens your immune system, improves the quality of sleep, and guarantees a better mood.

The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) has updated the rules on the provision of services at the Sport Centre to make sure that all community members can enjoy even better opportunities to participate in sports.

Key updates:

  • New registration system: anyone wishing to use the LSMU Sports Centre must register online in advance at
  • Fees vary for LSMU students and staff (this group will enjoy the most favourable fees), LSMU community members, and other individuals.
  • Free 3-month membership: if prescribed by the LSMU Healthy Lifestyle educators if a physical activity deficiency is determined during the consultation and measures to improve physical activity are recommended. More information about the services of the LSMU Healthy Lifestyle educators and registration HERE.

Classes are led by highly qualified coaches from the LSMU Sports Centre. Learn more about the coaches HERE.

Important guidelines for visitors:

  • Begin exercising only if you are confident that your health allows it.
  • Sportswear is mandatory.
  • Respect the rules: keep noise to a minimum, use equipment responsibly, and clean up after yourself.

New sport facilities:

  • Sports Centre at Tilžės g. 18: fully-equipped modern gyms. New gym will be opening soon in the dormitory at Dainavos g. 3.
  • Žeimenos g. 106: a new outdoor Sports Complex featuring athletics, tennis, basketball, volleyball, and football courts.

The renewed LSMU Sports Centre also offers the LSMU community members the opportunity to try out new sports – combat sports, dance cardio training, and health-enhancing exercises. You can find the schedules for all the activities HERE.

Get active with LSMU as the new sports season begins!