Department of Nose, Ear and Throat


Historical circumstances determined that the first department of otorhinolaryngology in Lithuania was established in Kaunas. This happened when, on 6 October 1924, Prof. P. Radzvickas was elected as the head of the Department at the Council of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lithuania and on that occasion he gave a lecture “Adenoid growths and their significance in life”. P. Radzvickas (1864-1931) managed the department for seven years. Thanks to him, the basics of the modern clinic were established – organised treatment of patients, pedagogical and scientific work. In a relatively short time, the clinic has accumulated many monographs, speciality journals, purchased modern equipment, surgical instruments, teaching tools for students. Prof. Zubkus (1898-1953) was the second Head of the Department. In 1933, he defended his medical doctor’s thesis “Children’s Waldeyer ring and its variations”. He was the first in Lithuania to start performing bronchoscopies and esophagoscopies. In 1939, the construction of the Clinics of the Faculty of Medicine of the Vytautas Magnus University was completed, to which the Department of Ear, Nose, and Throat also moved. 55 beds were allocated for its needs, facilities and equipment met European standards. A. Gasiūnas, J. Jankus-Jankevičius, L. Misevičius, P. Pakonavičius-Pakonaitis, O. Purtokaitė, J. Statkevičius, K. Vencius, S. Žilinskas worked in the clinic at that time. Many of them were later invited to establish departments and provide practical assistance in other Lithuanian cities. J. Zubkus in 1944 moved to the West. Assoc. Prof. S. Žilinskas (1891-1965) began to manage the clinic in 1944, after J. Zubkus left for the West. He can be considered the pioneer of otoneurology in Lithuania. Otoneurological studies were summarised in 1956 by S. Žilinskas in his doctor of medicine thesis “Vestibular and auditory function disorders in the treatment of tuberculous meningitis with streptomycin”. By the efforts of Assoc. Prof. S. Žilinskas, in 1957 the Republican Society of Otorhinolaryngologists was established. It was chaired by S. Žilinskas until his death. S. Žilinskas is the first author of the original textbook “Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases” published in Lithuanian in 1964. Assoc. Prof. B. Gapanavičius headed the Department of Ear, Nose, and Throat from 1965 to 1972, in 1963 he defended doctoral thesis “The importance of treating patients with angina for the prevention of rheumatism” examines the relationship between angina and rheumatism. B. Gapanavičius was the first in the Baltics to start performing stapedoplasty for patients with otosclerosis. He examined the problems of otosclerosis from various aspects, which he later summarised in a monograph published in emigration. In 1973, B. Gapanavičius went to live in Israel. The directions of otiatric work were also evident in the research works of the department’s staff – in A. Akelaitytė’s doctoral dissertation “The genesis of morphological changes in the inner ear due to the impact of acoustic trauma” (1958), in A. Kišonas’s doctoral thesis “The use of sounds of various durations in the assessment of hearing function, as a norm and pathology” (1966). Assoc. Prof. A. Kišonas headed the Department of Ear, Nose, and Throat from 1972 to 1978. In 1973, a 60-bed hospital is founded, which in 1977 became a specialised Department of Ears, Nose, Throat and Hearing. In 1978, the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat is merged with the Department of Eye Diseases. Until 1988 it was led by Prof. E. Daktaravičienė, and in 1988-1990 – Assoc. Prof. V. Jašinskas. In 1990, Department of Ear, Nose, and Throat becomes independent. Assoc. Prof. K. Povilaitis was appointed as its leader. 1990, V. Pivrikas defended his doctoral thesis “Diagnosis of peripheral lesions of the vestibular system” (nostrified as a habilitation thesis). After Lithuania regained its independence, many reforms took place. Profile clinics were being created at the Kaunas Medical Academy. In1991, K. Povilaitis was elected of the re-established  Department of Ear, Nose and Throat. The employees of the department have opportunities to improve in international clinics, the material base of the clinic is being improved, young, promising doctors are accepted to work. In 1994, the International Audiology and Phoniatrics Centre was established at the department. In 2006, Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Ulozas, was elected as Head of the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat.

Currently, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat can be proud of being the largest and most advanced ENT clinic in Lithuania. Highly qualified medical services are provided here for Lithuanian and international citizens. Doctors of the department ensure the highest level of assistance in the fields of Otology/Otoneurology, Endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery, Head and neck tumour treatment, Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, Phonosurgery. Great attention is paid to the diagnosis and treatment of swallowing and sleep disorders. Our goal is to remain the best and most advanced ENT clinic in the provision of healthcare services, preparation and training of residents, participation in fundamental and clinical research, and implementation of new and innovative research and treatment procedures.

Otorhinolaryngology studies are attended by students of the faculties of Medicine and Odontology. The teaching staff of the department consists of Professors V. Ulozas, R. Pribuišienė, I. Ulozienė, Assoc. Prof. S. Vaitkus, 5 lecturers (Dr. G. Alzbutienė, Dr. T. Balsevičius, Dr. M. Kašėta, Dr. V. Liutkevičius, Dr. S. Balseris) and 8 assistants. Every year, 30 groups of the Faculty of Medicine and 15 groups of the Faculty of Odontology participate in lectures and practical work.

Otorhinolaryngology is part of the Neurosciences module taught to medical students in the sixth year. The duration of the module is 3 weeks. Sixth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine can improve their knowledge in otorhinolaryngology by participating in the elective cycle.

For students of the Faculty of Odontology, the Otorhinolaryngology course is taught in the fourth year.

Participation in scientific programmes

The Department of Ear, Nose and Throat has participated in various national and international scientific projects:

  • European Commission PECO project “Early diagnosis of hearing loss in children”. 1995
  • The European Commission’s Biomedical Research Programme “Primary screening of newborn hearing by the otoacoustic emission method”. 1997–1998
  • International telemedicine programme “Litmed”. 2001-2003.
  • International IT project “Baltic MedWeb 1”.  2002–2003
  • International IT project “Baltic MedWeb 2”. 2004-2005.
  • European Commission 5BP project “Investigation of the potential negative impact of mobile phones on hearing” (QLK4-CT-2001-00150). 2002 -2004
  • European Commission Health and Consumer Protection Directorate project “Exposure to UTMS electromagnetic fields: study of possible adverse effects on hearing” (EMFnEAR).  2004-2007.


Recently the department participated in the following international projects:

  • EUREKA project E!3681 “Automatic diagnostic system for laryngeal diseases INFOLARYNX”. 2006 -2009.
  • COST Activity 2103 “Advanced Voice Evaluation”. 2006–2011
  • “Pathological voice recognition” in collaboration with IBM Haifa Research Lab; Israel. 2010-2012.
  • “Genetic studies of papilloma virus-induced voice disorders” in collaboration with the Allegheny-Singer Research Institute, Center for Genomic Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, USA. Since 2010
  • “Global HPV-6 and HPV-11 Genome Diversity” in collaboration with the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2012
  • “ Characteristics of the formation of intercellular nanotunnels” in cooperation with the Laboratory of Cell Cultures of the Cardiology Institute of LSMU. Since 2012
  • “Conducting high international level scientific research in the field of developing methods for automatic parameterization, analysis and classification of the voice acoustic signal, with the help of foreign scientific and study institutions and improving the competences of researchers and other employees (BAS)” VP1-3.1-ŠMM-10-V-02-030.  2013.
LSMU MA MF Department of Nose, Ear and Throat
+370 37 326862
Eivenių St. 2, LT-50009 Kaunas
Prof. Saulius Vaitkus
Head of Department of Nose, Ear and Throat
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