A delegation of Moldovan representatives visited LSMU: they learned about accreditation, licensing and simulations

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Last week a delegation of Moldovan representatives visited the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU). It consisted of representatives from the Ministry of Health, Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the National Agency for Public Health and the Moldovan Office of the World Health Organization.

The guests were welcomed by LSMU Vice-Rector for Studies Prof. Dr. K. Petrikonis, Dean of the International Relations and Study Centre Prof. Dr. Janulevičienė, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Morkūnienė, Dean of the Faculty of Public Health Prof. Dr. I. Liseckienė, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Dr. P. Ignatavičius, Executive Director for Medicine and Nursing of Kaunas Clinics Hospital Prof. Dr. K Stašaitis and Prof. Dr. D. Pavalkis.

The purpose of the Moldovan delegation was to get acquainted with the activities of LSMU and Kaunas Clinics Hospital, to delve into the systems of accreditation of institutions and licensing of specialists. The guests were interested in the system of training health specialists, planning the need for doctors in our country and wanted to know about postgraduate studies and their organisation.

LSMU cooperation with Moldova has been ongoing since 2012. Our University’s Rector Emeritus, Head of the Department of Cardiology of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Žaliūnas is an Honorary Doctor of the Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Moldova. For many years, at least 2 young resident doctors from Moldova have trained in the Department of Cardiology every year.

Focus on possibilities of simulations

During their visit the Moldovan delegation, accompanied by Prof. Dr. K. Stašaitis, visited the Department of Emergency Medicine and the Department of Laboratory Medicine at LSMU Kaunas Clinics Hospital. Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. R. Morkūnienė showed and presented the organisation of pharmaceutical studies, research and practice to the representative of the University of Moldova. Dr. P. Ignatavičius showed to the delegation the Medical Simulation Centre. The guests were interested in LSMU practice enabling students to learn practical clinical skills using medical simulation techniques.

During the visit LSMU Vice-Rector for Studies Prf. Dr. K. Petrikonis emphasised the importance of patients’ safety: “Simulation training is closely related to accreditation and licensing in interventive medicine. Current safety requirements are focused on patient well-being, and working with real patients without enough practice is extremely unsafe. Therefore, it is important for the university to allocate sufficient funds for simulation training and postgraduate studies in order to ensure high standards of the medical system.”

The Vice-Rector was supported by the Vice-Dean of Faculty of Medicine Dr. P. Ignatavičius: “We no longer need to ask whether simulations are needed – it is obvious that the answer is positive. Now the question is, how many and what kind simulations are needed, so that students learn to safely model simple and complex clinical situations in practice. Residency at LSMU on average lasts five years. With the assistance of simulations, future doctors start polishing their clinical practical skills already in their first year, and they get the opportunity to work with real patients only after they gain enough practice.”
He added that these days patients expect not only maximum safety but also a high standard of medical services.

It is hoped that the established relationship will be further developed and soon will move to concrete, mutually beneficial activities.
