Lecture ,,Genes and Longevity”

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LSMU Faculty of Pharmacy, A-205 auditorium, Sukilėlių pr. 13, Kaunas,

Join us for an engaging lecture on the intriguing relationship between aging and chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer—conditions that significantly impact our quality of life and longevity. We’ll explore the role of epigenetics, the study of how genes and the environment interact, in shaping our risk for these diseases. Our research focuses on how certain chemical and biological changes in our DNA as we age can increase the expression of genes linked to illness. By analyzing DNA from centenarians, their descendants, and younger individuals, we’ve uncovered important differences in these changes that could lead to new ways to delay age-related diseases and improve the quality of life for older adults. Discover how these insights might influence future treatments and strategies for healthier aging.

Date: September 5, 2024, 15:00
LSMU Faculty of Pharmacy, A-205 auditorium, Sukilėlių pr. 13, Kaunas, Lietuva

Professor Gil Atzmon began his academic journey with a Bachelor’s in Biology from Tel Aviv University, followed by a Master’s and Ph.D. in Population Genetics from Hebrew University. He is currently a full Professor of Epigenetics and Genomics at the University of Haifa, Israel. After completing his fellowship in Human Genetics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, he joined their faculty and advanced to Associate Professor before moving to the University of Haifa. His research focuses on the role of epigenetics in aging, diseases, and longevity. He established the I-MECS project, recruiting healthy Israelis aged 95+ for epigenome profiling. His lab at Haifa includes over 10 researchers, primarily women and minorities. Prof. Atzmon has published over 200 scientific papers and frequently presents his work at international conferences. He serves as an expert reviewer and sits on editorial boards for leading genetics journals.  

Useful links about professor: facebook video