Quality and Strategy Monitoring Department

The purpose of the Quality and Strategy Monitoring Department is to create and develop an effective quality management system in order to improve the efficiency of the University’s activities.


  • To ensure the supervision and development of the University’s quality management system, initiate the implementation of new quality management methods, ensuring the integrity of the quality management system.
  • Organise and carry out the preparation of the University’s strategic development guidelines and their implementation plan, monitoring their implementation.
  • To organise and coordinate the preparation of the annual activity plans of the University‘s departments, monitor their implementation, timely identify inconsistencies with the desired results and propose the application of corrective and preventive actions.
  • To carry out monitoring and analysis, modelling of the effectiveness, efficiency, effectiveness of the operational processes of the University‘s departments.
  • Provide performance data to third parties, analysis of international and national ranking data, organisation and analysis of the University‘s general survey process.
Quality and Strategy Monitoring Department
A. Mickevičiaus str. 9, Kaunas, Lietuva
Dr. Vilma Žaltauskė
Head of Quality and Strategy Monitoring Department
+370 37 327358 vilma.zaltauske@lsmu.lt
A. Mickevičiaus g. 9, 006 Room