Online seminar “Healing Hearts: A Grief Exploration”

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All of us experience various challenges everyday. And sometimes those challenges are so big and disturbing, that it becomes difficult to proceed with our daily duties. Losses, experiencing grief is one of the challenges that you might be suffering from. Grief can be experienced due to different circumstances – it can be a loss of someone very close to you, or it can be a feeling of loss after you leave your home and move to Lithuania for your studies. If you experience similar feelings, don’t suffer alone – we kindly invite you to an online seminar Healing Hearts: A Grief Exploration!

Join us for a grief seminar, where we’ll explore its emotional depths and learn about the brain changes that occur during this process. Discover practical skills to navigate through grief and find ways to support yourself and others who have experienced loss. 

The seminar will be held online, on 22 February, at 4.30-6.00 p.m. No registration required. Just click on the link for joining here.