New database: APA PsycTests!

Do you conduct research in the field of psychology? Or maybe you are interested in phenomena and trends in psychological tests and research? Explore psychological tests with the APA PsycTests database.
You can do so by going to the direct link or, if searching outside of campus, through an EZproxy.
The PsycTests database is an authoritative source of structured information about tests of interest in a variety of fields. Produced by the American Psychological Association, it provides access to thousands of actual test instruments, most of which are available for immediate download and use in teaching and research. Extensive coverage, along with thousands of research instruments, makes APA PsycTests an ideal starting point for researchers initiating new research projects. The database indexes a wide variety of test types and instruments, including aptitude tests, personality scales, and cognitive functioning measures. Research instruments are available as PDF downloads or multimedia files, and selected measurements are available in more than 40 languages.