Institute of Cardiology
The Institute of Cardiology of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences is a division of the Medical Academy. The Institute conducts long-term fundamental and applied research and experimental (social) development work in cardiology and related fields, and supports the educational process and teachers and other specialists’ professional development.
The Institute of Cardiology has 10 laboratories.
Participation in undergraduate and postgraduate studies, organisation of professional development training
The faculty of the Institute of Cardiology teach undergraduate students of the programmes “Medical and Veterinary Biochemistry”, “Medical and Veterinary Genetics”, graduate students of Laboratory Medicine Biology, students of the integrated medical (Lithuanian and English) and pharmaceutical studies, and students of the Advanced Nursing studies, and act as supervisors to the residents.
The Institute provides guidance to undergraduate students of “Medical and Veterinary Biochemistry”, students of integrated medical (to the Lithuanian and international students) and pharmaceutical studies of the LSMU in the process of preparation of their final theses.
The faculty of the Institute of Cardiology teach 5 doctoral subjects:
“Cardiology”, “Preventive Cardiology”, “Molecular Pathology”, “Cell Biology”, and “Ion Channel Functions and their Research Methods”.
PThe main areas of research activity include fundamental and clinical research.
“Long-term development of morbidity and mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Dr. R. Radišauskas, Laboratory of Population Studies of the Institute of Cardiology
“Overwait and obesity in a population of 7–19-year-olds: risk factors and the role of body weight change in predicting the risk of chronic diseases”. Head of the research topic: Dr. V. Dulskienė, Laboratory of Population Studies of the Institute of Cardiology
“Assessment of prognostic factors of the perioperative period determining respective treatment outcomes in patients with cardiovascular diseases”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Habil. Dr. E. Širvinskas, Clinical Cardiology Laboratory of the Institute of Cardiology
“Assessment of the dynamics of cardiovascular system complexity during cardiac interventional procedures (coronary angiography, angioplasty, and bypass surgery)”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Dr. G. Jaruševičius, Automation of Cardiovascular Investigation Laboratory of the Institute of Cardiology
“Diagnostic value of echocardiographic myocardial strain indicators at rest and during exercise in diagnosing preclinical left ventricular dysfunction”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Habil. Dr. J. J. Vaškelytė, Clinical Cardiology Laboratory of the Institute of Cardiology
“Dynamics of heart rate variability parameters and clinical readings using different surgical techniques in cardiac surgery patients during perioperative period and rehabilitation”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Dr. R. Benetis
“Predicting cardiovascular disease risk and clinical course: the exploration of the molecular markers”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Lesauskaitė, Molecular Cardiology Laboratory of the Institute of Cardiology
“Investigation of the structural changes and molecular mechanisms of the left ventricle in the progression of an ischaemic heart disease”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Habil. Dr. D. Pangonytė, Cardiac Pathology Laboratory of the Institute of Cardiology
“Investigation of the mechanisms of ischaemic heart rate disorders”. Head of the research topic: Habil. Dr. J. Jurevičius, Membrane Biophysics Laboratory of the Institute of Cardiology
“Investigation of intracellular and intercellular signalling in cardiac myocytes and other cells”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Dr. V. A. Skeberdis, Cell Culture Laboratory of the Institute of Cardiology
“Investigation of the properties of connexins and connexin-based gap junction channels under physiological and pathological conditions”. Head of the research topic: Dr. L. Kraujalienė, Laboratory of Cell Communication of the Institute of Cardiology
“Development and application of a 3D in vitro model of the human blood vessel using multipotent stem cells for drug efficacy- and adverse effect-based screening”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Dr. E. Stankevičius, Preclinical Research Laboratory for Medicinal Products of the Institute of Cardiology
“Chronic diseases and their risk factors in the adult population”. Head of the research topic: Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Lesauskaitė, Laboratory of Population Studies and Molecular Cardiology Laboratory of the Institute of Cardiology, Health Research Institute, Institute for Digestive Research, Institute of Endocrinology, Department of Ophthalmology, Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases (temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
- “Point-of-Care method for ticagrelor pharmacogenomics” (OPTOGEN, 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0038). Implementation period: 2018–2022. Head of the project: Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Tatarūnas
- “Influence of branched-chain amino acid degradation on tumour cell metabolism and proliferation” (P-SEN-20-20). Implementation period: 2020–2021. Head of the project: Dr. S. Bordel Velasco
- “Exosome Application for Targeted Drug Delivery” (01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0036). Implementation period: 2017–2022. Head of the project: Dr. A. Jakobsone
- “Study of the pharmacological effects of a combination of registered drugs on the mechanisms of cytokine release syndrome for its application in the treatment of COVID-19” (01.2.2-LMT-K-718-05-0058). Implementation period: 2021-2023. Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Lesauskaitė
- “Extracorporeal prevention and correction of the effect of thrombogenic factors using polyharmonic acoustic wave energy” (01.2.2-LMT-K-718-05-0049). Implementation period: 2021–2023. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. V. Veikutis
- “Technology for the management of COVID-19-induced mitochondrial dysfunction of cardiovascular system” (cTECH) (01.2.2-LMT-K-718-05-0052). Implementation period: 2021–2023. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. E. Stankevičius
- “Non-invasive device and methods for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension and acute respiratory syndrome” (01.2.2-LMT-K-718-05-0076). Implementation period: 2021–2023. Applicant: KTU (head of the project: V. Ostaševičius). Partner: LSMU (head of the project: Prof. Dr. E. Stankevičius)
- Project “Hybrid 3D tissue engineering constructs for in vitro research” (09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0181), funded under measure “Development of Scientific Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities”, activity “Promotion of Post-Doctoral Fellowships” of the European Social Fund. Implementation period: 2020–2022. Project implementer: Dr. D. Čiužas. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. V. Petrikaitė
- Project “Impact of the effects of climate change on the health of the population” (09.3.3-LMTK-712-19-0002), funded under measure “Development of Scientific Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities”, activity “Promotion of Post-Doctoral Fellowships” of the European Social Fund. Implementation period: 2020–2022. Project implementer: Dr. V. Vaičiulis. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. R. Radišauskas
- Project “Study of connexin 26 mutations that cause syndromic deafness” (DOTSUT-140), funded under measure “Development of Scientific Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities”, activity “Promotion of Post-Doctoral Fellowships” of the European Social Fund. Implementation period: 2018–2023. Project implementer: Dr. L. Kraujalienė. Project manager: Dr. V. K. Verselis
- Project “In vitro studies of Rab protein-regulated tumourigenicity of cancer cells” (09.3.3-LMT-K-712-23-0011), funded under measure “Development of Scientific Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities”, activity “Promotion of Post-Doctoral Fellowships” of the European Social Fund. Implementation period: 2021–2023. Project implementer: Dr. P. Gibieža. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. V. Petrikaitė
- Students’ scientific practice funded under measure “Development of Scientific Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities”, activity “Development of students’ abilities to implement the R&D activities”, sub-activity “Development of students’ abilities by participation in scientific summer internships”: supervisor Prof. Dr. V. Petrikaitė (09.3.3-LMT-K-712)
- Research funded under measure “Development of Scientific Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities”, activity “Development of students’ abilities to implement the R&D activities”, sub-activity “Development of students’ abilities by conducting research during the semester”. Supervisors: Dr. A. Jekabsone (09.3.3-LMT-K-712-25-0223), Prof. Dr. V. Petrikaitė (01.2.2-LMT-K-712-24-0131 and 01.2.2-LMT-K-712-25-0118), Dr. P. Gibieža (09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-25-0119)
Projects funded under the EU investment programmes
- Project “Development of MySkin®, a fundamental skin characterisation test based on genetic and biochemical data, and an algorithm to predict weak properties of the skin” (S-J05-LVPA-K-04-0127) funded under the ERDF measure “Intellect. Joint Science–Business Projects”. Implementation period: 2019–2021. Head of the project: R. Šepetienė (applicant: UAB Medicina practica laboratorija)
- “Promotion of UAB Akvavita investments in R&D activities by developing innovative products in the beverage industry” (J05-LVPA-K-03-0117) funded under the ERDF measure “Intellect. Joint Science–Business Projects”. Implementation period: 2019–2021. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. V. Jakštas (applicant: UAB Akvavita)
Other joint projects with the industry
- “SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing”. Implemented by the Laboratory of Molecular Cardiology
- “Innovative technology for the application of biopeptides in the treatment of trophic ulcers” (iTON). Implemented by the Preclinical Research Laboratory for Medicinal Products
- “Personalised remote management system for COVID-19 patient flows and course of treatment”. Implemented by the Preclinical Research Laboratory for Medicinal Products
- Improvement of the quality and accessibility of healthcare for target population groups through an innovative and efficient iNTEP model. Implemented by the Preclinical Research Laboratory for Medicinal Products
- “In vitro and in vivo biopharmaceutical studies of a nasopharyngeal spray and a dry hand sanitiser against the SARS virus group”. Implemented by the Laboratory of Drug Targets Histopathology.
- “In vitro cytotoxicity studies of the fat of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae and soap based on it”. Implemented by the Laboratory of Drug Targets Histopathology.
- “Evaluation of the viability and metabolic activity of lipocytes extracted during the development and adjustment phases of an innovative liposuction device”. Implemented by the Laboratory of Drug Targets Histopathology
- “In vitro cytotoxicity evaluation of Origmed eye drops, solution”. Implemented by the Laboratory of Drug Targets Histopathology
- Project “Upgrading of the R&D infrastructure of the Institute of Cardiology of the LSMU Medical Academy” (01.1.1-CPVA-V-701-18-0002) under the ERDF measure “Development and integration of the RDI infrastructure in European infrastructures”. Implementation period: 2016–2022
- Project “Improving the selectivity of exosomes to cardiomyocytes” under the call “Development of the biotechnology industry in Lithuania” by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology. Applicant: UAB Exolitus. Partner: LSMU (Head of the project: Prof. Dr. E. Stankevičius. Implementation period: 2021–2022
- Project “3D cell culture constructs for in vitro cytotoxicity studies of materials” (TPP-04-077) under the call “Technological Development Project Funding Measure”. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. V. Petrikaitė. Implementation period: 2021–2022
- Project “Health survey of children and adolescents aged 7-18 in Kaunas district municipality” (PR19-110) financed under the special measure of the Public Health Support Programme of the Kaunas District Municipality. Head of the project: Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Dulskienė. Implementation period: 2019–2021
- Joint LSMU-KTU research project “Conductivity modelling of gap junctions at the level single channels” of the association Santaka Valley. Head of the project: Dr. T. Kraujalis.
- Joint LSMU-KTU research project “Evaluation of Technological Properties of Enzymatically Synthesized Fructooligosaccharides and In Vitro Study of Their Potential Application for Combination Chemotherapy” of the association Santaka Valley. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. V. Petrikaitė.
- “Using STED (stimulated emission depletion) to study cardiac myocytes and other cell signalling pathways: investigating the properties of fluorescent dyes developed for STED microscopy”. Cell Culture Laboratory. Collaboration with Dr. G. Lukinavičius (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany).
- Mechanisms regulating stem and tumour cell motility. Cell Culture Laboratory (Head of the project: visiting Prof. R.Prekeris, Colorado University).
“Nonlinear analysis of ECG during auricular, vagal stimulation”. Collaboration with the Technical University of Vienna (Prof. Eugenijus Kaniušas). Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. A.Vainoras.