International Week (IW) at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences “Erasmus+ Legacy: Lifelong Connections” is mostly designed for teachers, colleagues from international offices (priority), support services dealing with international students & cooperation, exchange programmes and EU projects.
Lectures will be appreciated in the fields of Medicine, Odontology, Pharmacy, Lifestyle Medicine, Management of Public Health, Psychology, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science.
Alongside gaining international experience, participants will enjoy a dynamic schedule of in-person activities featuring diverse presentations, lectures, and an inside look into university life.
An enriching five-day experience awaits, featuring:
- Discussions on internationalization.
- Innovations in science and research.
- Promoting global health and wellness guidance.
- A vibrant cultural exchange programme, engaging workshops, networking sessions, and social gatherings.
Visit to IW may be formalized as ERASMUS+ Mobility Exchange. For Teaching visits there will be opportunities to combine teaching activities and participation in IW.
Fees: There is no participation fee.
Date: May 26-30, 2025.
Venue: All events will be held face-to-face in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Certificates: All participants will be awarded Certificates of Attendance.
DAY 1 |
9:30-13:00 LSMU at a glance: host’s overview, ERASMUS+ topics, get-together activities & coffee. 13:30-15:00 Guided city tour. 18:00-20:00 Welcome dinner. |
DAY 2 |
10:00-13:00 LSMU campus tour. 13:00-14.00 Lunch. 14:00-15:30 Workshop “Innovative pharmaceutical products – from concept to creation”. |
DAY 3 |
10:00-13:30 LSMU international admission pecularities, students’ support and more (presentations, pannel discussions, coffee breaks). 14:00-15:30 Cultural workshop: acquaintance with local cuisine. |
DAY 4 |
10:00-12:00 Health for all: from healthy lifestyle to animal assisted activities (presentations, discussions, coffee breaks). 12:30-15:30 Forest therapy session. 16:00-17:00 Lunch on a river bank. |
DAY 5 |
10:00-16:00 Outbound excursion to Zapyškis-Pypliai-Lekėčiai by bus (including Šakotis baking masterclass & Lunch with authentic Lithuanian meals). |
LSMU Emmanuel Levinas Center, V. Putvinskio str. 14, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Central LSMU building, A.Mickevičiaus str. 9, Kaunas, Lithuania.