Academic mobility

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Erasmus+  for higher education aims to modernise and improve higher education across Europe and the rest of the world.
It gives students and staff opportunities to develop their skills and boost their employment prospects. Good practices will be shared between universities and businesses in Knowledge Alliances.

Higher education institutions from participating countries can work with those from neighbourhood countries, non-EU Balkan countries, Asia, Africa and Latin America to develop their educational systems.

Partner universities
Opportunity to go to
49 countries
Length of study
2-12 months

Opportunities for students to learn abroad, including:

  • Studies, including at Master’s level;
  • Traineeships in businesses.

Opportunities for staff to undertake professional development activities, including:

  • Training or teaching;
  • Attending workshops delivered by businesses.

Cooperation between institutions:

  • Deliver joint masters’ programmes in a consortium of higher education institutions from participating countries.

Cooperation with businesses:

  • Companies and higher education institutions can work together to share knowledge.

Cooperation outside the EU in neighbourhood countries, Africa, Asia, and Latin America through projects that increase an organisation’s competencies or expertise through:

  • Joint projects to modernise teaching methods, materials and curricula;
  • Structural projects, including the involvement of national authorities.

Opportunities are available to the following organisations in participating countries:

  • Students at higher education institutions;
  • Higher education institution staff (academic and non-academic);
  • Private companies.

Higher Education Institutions in neighbouring countries, non-EU Balkan countries, Asia, Africa, and Latin America can participate in projects that take place outside the EU.
The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences has been awarded an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020. The Erasmus Policy Statement sets out the LSMU institutional strategy towards internationalisation.
Information was prepared according to the European Commission.

Erasmus days 2024

Have you ever dreamed of studying the way that French, Portuguese or Turkish students study? Or maybe you want to be in an operating room in an Italian hospital? Do you dream of doing an internship in a stud farm in Germany?  Maybe you are attracted by travel opportunities? If you answered “Yes” at least once, don`t hesitate to come! And we will help you to decide!

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Academic mobility programmes

Erasmus + for outgoing

Erasmus is a student exchange scheme intended to support student mobility for studies and traineeships.

Erasmus enables the students to study for typically one or two semesters in one of the LSMU partner institutions in Europe as part of student‘s degree.

Erasmus+ traineeships for outgoing

The purpose is to support student mobility exclusively related to the field of higher education and aim for a traineeship whilst performing professional practice.

Erasmus+ studies and traineeships for incoming

LSMU offers a wide variety of courses taught in English you can choose from as an exchange student.

Blended intensive programmes, BIP 

a new short-term mobility action in the new Erasmus+ programme period 2021-2027. 

BIPs are short, intensive programmes that use innovative ways of learning and teaching, including the use of online cooperation.  


Lithuanian state scholarships programme for incoming students is designed for the advanced students of foreign higher education and research institutions to enable them to study at higher education institutions of the Republic of Lithuania.  

Students from different fields of studies or research are welcome to apply for Lithuanian state scholarships. 

3 types of scholarships are offered:  

  • Scholarships for Lithuanian language and culture courses for foreigners/ Lithuanian language and culture courses for foreigners of Lithuanian origin: link.
  • Scholarships for short–term (1-2 semesters) studies of all fields/ Scholarships for Lithuanian short–term (1-2 semesters) studies: link
  • Scholarships for full–time master degree studies: link. 

Call for proposal for the academic year 2022-2023 is posted on the website (or 

Lithuanian state scholarships programmes for outgoing students 

State Scholarship for short-term Master’s or Doctoral degree studies at a university in a foreign state which has gained international recognition: link.  

State Scholarship for the Internships in Lithuanian schools, Lithuanian studies centers and Lithuanian communities: link (In Lithuanian). 

Grants for studies and traineeships of foreign citizens awarded by the governments of other Countries and States: (in Lithuanian). 

LiMSA is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that unites biomedical students from Vilnius and Kaunas. LiMSA is a unique platform for international exchange opportunities with more than 50 countires in 6 world‘s regions. 

More about LiMSA membership and international exchange opportunities: (In Lithuanian).