About LSMU

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Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) is the largest institution of higher education for biomedical sciences in Lithuania, successfully integrating studies, research, and clinical practice.

LSMU offers all-level, integrated and residency study programmes focused on health, life, agricultural and veterinary sciences.

LSMU trains doctors, pharmacists, odontologists, nurses, specialists in rehabilitation, public health, veterinary medicine, animal sciences and other healthcare specialists.

L.Kriauceliuno smulkių gyvūnų veterinarinė klinika

chose studies at LSMU

More than 20 proc. of all students are international students.
Most of the international students come from Israel, Sweden and Germany.
As many as 20 study programmes at LSMU are taught in English.

LSMU studies take place in
81 departments of research and science:

4 research

20 Departments

48 Clinics

9 Faculty


LSMU research practiceis exceptional:

Closely integrated studies, science and clinical practice.

Students can get involved in research early on.

The scope of research ranges from molecular mechanisms to population-based public health research.

Complex multidisciplinary research is performed.

Close cooperation with research institutions nationally and internationally.

LSMU biology – biomedical research – is recognised as substantial internationally.

LSMU has a great strength – scientists in biology, pharmacy and biochemistry, engaging in clinical and research activities.

LSMU is a significant centre of scientific activity in Lithuania and internationally: research in the fields of biomedicine and agricultural sciences is being developed, experimental development is taking place, advanced biotechnologies are being created, and young researchers are being trained.

doctoral students


  • 4 Research Institutes and 9 Faculty Institutes perform fundamental clinical and applied research;
  • LSMU is the founder of 2 integrated science, research and business centres – Santaka and Nemunas valleys;
  • The LSMU Veterinary Academy has a Biological Research Centre, renewed modern laboratories and a Vivarium.
  • LSMU provides a full cycle of services – from pre-clinical to clinical trials.
  • The centres for practical training and experimental development and testing create the conditions for research and development in the field of animal husbandry.

LSMU is entrusted with tasks of national importance

The Lithuanian Centre for the Lithuanian Farm Animal Genetic Resources Conservation Coordination Centre, established at the Institute of Animal Science of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, coordinates the collection, research, monitoring and conservation of national farm animal genetic resources at the national level.

The Kaunas Regional Biomedical Research Ethics Committee at the University issues permits for biomedical clinical research.

LSMU Faculty of Nursing is one of the five collaborating centres of the World Health Organization in Europe.

The Institute of Health Research of the Faculty of Public Health of LSMU is an authorised WHO Collaborating Centre for Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Control.

Science awards

The active scientific activity of the University is annually awarded with national science prizes and is celebrated differently nationally and internationally.

Lithuanian Science Prizes
Members of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
State Awards


LSMU has created a unique medium for the training of highly qualified healthcare professionals. Studies and practice of all the most important clinical subjects at LSMU take place at:

  • Kaunas Clinics
  • Branches of Kaunas Clinics
  • Romainiai Tuberculosis Hospital at the Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital Lopšelis
  • LSMU Pharmacy
  • LSMU Kaunas Hospital
  • Kulautuva Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Oncology Hospital
  • Palanga Clinic, LSMU Medical Academy Institute of Neuroscience
  • Large Animal Clinici, LSMU Veterinary Academy Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • L. Kriaučeliūnas Small Animal Clinic, LSMU Veterinary Academy Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Members of the university community are actively involved in artistic activities. LSMU has a folk dance ensemble Ave vita, a mixed academic choir  Neris and a folk dance ensemble Džigūnas. Creative groups perform at events in higher education institutions, in Kaunas, the Baltic States and European countries, and successfully participate in international festivals.

At the LSMU Sports Centre, community members can engage in a variety of sports activities. The strongest athletes participate in European and other international competitions and championships.

There is an active Student Council, the Veterinary Academy Student Association,, and international students can join the International Student Council Committee and the International Veterinary Student Council.

The Museum of the History of Lithuanian Medicine and Pharmacy is one of the most unique in the Baltic States, where the personal belongings of Lithuanian physicians and pharmacists, medical devices, documents, and hospital and pharmacy equipment are exhibited.

Lietuvos medicinos ir farmacijos muziejus

The Museum of Veterinary Academy of LSMU – the only museum of its kind that reflects the history of veterinary and animal sciences in Lithuania.

Lietuvos mdicinos ir farmacijos muziejus

Baisogala Manor – one of the most famous architectural monuments in Lithuania, a historically formed centre of animal science and culture, where traditions continue today: animal research, conferences, seminars and concerts and various celebrations.

Lithuanian Farm Animal Genetic Resources Conservation Coordination Centre of the Institute of Animal Sciences preserves the historical legacy of animal sciences – the old Lithuanian animal breeds included in the National Heritage List. They are an important part of biological diversity.

The Anatomy Museum is a place to study human anatomy.

LSMU anatomijos muziejus