Faculty of Odontology - Odontology Studies - Lithuanian University of Health Sciences LSMU

Faculty of Odontology


The Faculty of Odontology of the Medical Academy of LSMU trains highly qualified odontologists and oral hygienists, applies modern and innovative teaching methods, conducts research, implements the latest technologies and develops patient-centred clinical practice. The graduates of the faculty, which has gained international recognition in the fields of specialist training, research and clinical practice, are highly regarded by employers both in Lithuania and abroad.

LSMU MA Faculty of Odontology is a member of ADEE (Association of Dental Education in Europe). After detailed analyses and evaluations by Dented in 2001 and ES TAIEX in 2002 commissions, it was determined that the Faculty of Odontology of the LSMU MA is a member of the Association of Dental Education in Europe (ADEE). Dented in 2001 and EU TAIEX in 2002 commissions, after conducting detailed analyses and evaluations, have determined that the Faculty of Odontology meets all the requirements for the training of EU specialists and has accredited study programmes. The study programmes and research activities of the faculty are regularly evaluated and accredited by international experts every year.

The Faculty of Odontology consists of a Dean’s Office and 5 profile clinics: Clinic of Oral Care and Paediatric Dentistry, Clinic of Dental and Oral Diseases, Clinic of Dental and Maxillofacial Orthopaedics, Clinic of Orthodontics, Clinic of Facial and Maxillofacial Surgery. The Faculty of Odontology employs more than 100 highly qualified lecturers, including 12 professors, 18 associate professors, 20 lecturers and 59 assistants.



The Faculty of Odontology conducts integrated, second and third cycle studies:

  • Integrated studies: Odontology (in Lithuania); Odontology  (in English).
  • Bachelor’s Degrees: Oral Hygiene (in Lithuanian), Oral Hygiene (in English).
  • Postgraduate (Residency) Studies: Orthodontic Residency; Residency in Paediatric Dentistry; Residency in Orthopaedic Dentistry; Residency in Periodontology; Endodontic Residency; Residency in Oral Surgery; Residency in Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • Doctoral Studies.

Experienced, highly qualified lecturers with clinical experience apply innovative forms of student-centred teaching. Students acquire theoretical knowledge and practical competencies by working in modern pre-clinical, simulation and clinical halls, working with modern odontology equipment and odontology materials that meet international standards. From the first year of study, students are introduced to research activities and encouraged to conduct their first research.



Research directions developed by the Faculty of Odontology: Pathology of the face, jaws and mouth.

Main research areas:

  • Research into the effectiveness of the diagnosis and treatment of dental and oral diseases;
  • Optimisation of diagnostics and treatment of dental and maxillofacial diseases, research of materials and technologies used for oral health and quality of life;
  • Influence of genetic and environmental factors on the development of orthodontic anomalies, and the significance of orthodontic anomalies on oral health and quality of life indicators;
  • Optimisation of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the face and jaws, research in biological materials, regenerative medicine and health technologies;
  • Analysis of etiopathogenesis, epidemiology and methods of prevention or treatment of tooth decay in children and adults.

Cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign universities is being developed: Kaunas University of Technology, Vilnius University, Riga Stradins (Latvia), Tartu (Estonia), Oulu (Finland), Hacettepe (Turkey), Granada (Spain), Michigan (USA), Porto (Portugal), Aarhus (Denmark), Cardiff ( United Kingdom) universities.


There are two student scientific societies (SDM) at the Faculty of Odontology: Odontology Circle and Facial and Maxillofacial Surgery Circle. All university students can become members of LSMU SMD, do research work, attend group meetings and seminars organised for the members of the university’s community. Every two years, LSMU SMD organises a national conference of young scientists (JMTK), which is open not only to the university community, but to all young Lithuanian researchers interested in innovations in biomedical sciences.

The conference is attended by students, who do not yet have a doctorate, of Medicine, Odontology, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine and other biomedical fields . The Association of Student Odontologists (SOA), a voluntary professional non-governmental organisation of student odontologists, has been active at the faculty since 2004. SOA not only promotes the Faculty of Odontology at the congress of the European Dental Students Association (EDSA), but also participates in public activities – visits orphanages, day centres, and collects charity for the treatment of serious patients. It is engaged in educational activities, thus organising a series of short lectures “An Hour with an Odontologist”, where odontologists are invited to introduce themselves and tell about their work. SOA is also engaged in unifying activities of students – organises annual orienteering competitions in Kaunas, LSMU sports festival and other sports tournaments, battles of minds, freshman camps, Apollonia talent evening.

February 9th is an important date for the odontology community. On this day, the International Feast of St. Apollonia, the patron saint of odontologists, is celebrated. To commemorate this occasion, the Faculty of Odontology organises a battle of minds and a talent evening with the participation of both students and faculty members. Active students take part in the “Feast of Smiles”. This is a traditional event full of acting and humor organised by the students of the Faculty of Odontology of LSMU. It awards the most outstanding, most deserving lecturers and students of the year.

