Faculty of Pharmacy - Lithuanian University of Health Sciences LSMU

Faculty of Pharmacy


The Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical Academy of LSMU is an academic unit that trains internationally competitive pharmacy specialists and concentrates a core of pharmaceutical science knowledge and competencies. The faculty has a responsible and united community, and the values and traditions of European pharmacy are actively fostered.

Graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy of LSMU are famous for their professional and general competencies focused on successful careers and focused on modern speciality needs, attention to patients, openness to innovation and interdisciplinary changes, and teamwork in groups of healthcare professionals.

The main tasks of the Faculty of Pharmacy are:

  • to train highly qualified specialists to perform pharmaceutical activities in various fields of healthcare, who can solve the most important scientific problems, adapt to the changing market environment and increase public health in active cooperation with organisations and institutions;
  • to carry out relevant research and dissemination in the fields of pharmacy and related sciences;
  • to ensure the quality of the study program and the compliance of the awarded qualifications with the national and international requirements;
  • to form the unity of students’, teachers’ and employers’ holistic approach to the achievements of pharmacy studies and science and the directions of their improvement.

For the implementation of these tasks, the Faculty closely cooperates with various structural and functional departments of LSMU, academic and professional, non-governmental, state, business organisations and individuals of Lithuania and foreign countries.

The headquarters of the Modern Faculty of Pharmacy is the Centre for the Latest Pharmaceutical and Health Technologies.

The Faculty of Pharmacy has 5 departments, the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technologies, and the Dean’s Office. The faculty currently has 85 employees. The majority of the Faculty’s staff are educators, accounting for 60% of all posts, 13% for research posts, 11% for administrative posts and 16% for support staff.



The Faculty of Pharmacy conducts integrated, second and third cycle studies:

  • the integrated study programme Pharmacy (Health Sciences – G05 Pharmacy) in Lithuanian and English;
  • the second cycle study program Medicinal Chemistry (Physical Sciences -C01 Chemistry).
  • doctoral studies in biomedicine, pharmacy (08B).

The integrated study programme Pharmacy is a multidisciplinary programme covering health, life, social and physical sciences. The study programme is focused on the development of practical, management and leadership, educational and research competencies of specialists in the field of pharmacy. The programme is based on the transfer and application of the latest pharmaceutical knowledge and methods in practice, understanding of healthcare policy, coordination and management of the provision of pharmaceutical services, preparation for academic and research work.

The LSMU Master’s degree in Pharmacy testifies to the readiness to carry out pharmaceutical activities, professional development based on modern scientific knowledge, research and to continue university studies in the doctoral programme of the chosen speciality.

Graduates of the faculty pursue careers in pharmacies, pharmaceutical wholesale distribution companies, pharmaceutical industry companies, representative offices of pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical research laboratories, healthcare system and related institutions

The second cycle study programme Medicinal Chemistry is an exclusive joint interdisciplinary programme of Lithuanian higher education leaders – KTU and LSMU, which combines the highest competence in related fields of study and research, concentrates academic and practical potential in chemistry, biology, pharmacy and other disciplines, training of industrial development specialists. The aim of the studies is to prepare qualified, motivated and creative specialists who have deep knowledge and research skills in medicinal chemistry and are able to formulate and solve problems in the medical chemistry science and pharmaceutical industry. his degree programme prepares students to work in high-tech science and industry companies that develop, manufacture, or supply pharmaceuticals.

After obtaining a Master’s degree in pharmacy, graduates can continue their studies in  doctoral studies in pharmacy, deepening their research skills and solving various applied and fundamental problems in the pharmaceutical sciences. Doctoral students are led by international-level researchers in the field of pharmacy, and students have access to a unique scientific base and the University’s material and academic resources for interdisciplinary studies and research. Students are admitted to doctoral studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy every year, and more and more graduates are choosing these studies.



The main field of research of the researchers of the faculty is B000 Biomedical Sciences, the dominant field of research is 08B Pharmacy, but solutions to modern scientific problems are not possible without interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary research in the field of pharmacy and related fields is fundamental and applied research focused on experimental development and innovation, the provision of high value-added research services to individuals and legal entities, and the training of researchers and specialists.

Research topics:

  • development and technological functionalisation of medicinal substances and products (research on biological activity, drug composition, transport and stability);
  • research on the chemical composition, biodiversity, bioactivity and product development of herbal medicinal raw materials;
  • development and experimental development of methodologies for the analysis of biologically active substances;
  • studies of the biological activity of medicinal substances and products in in vitro and in vivo models.

Researchers of the faculty participate in the implementation of national and high-level international research projects, cooperate with Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions, manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and food supplements and pharmaceutical components: UAB Profarma, UAB Rūko karoliai, MB Driu beauty, UAB Pupa supa, UAB Grožio chirurgai, UAB Innovative Pharma Baltic, UAB Aconitum, UAB pharmacy Valerijonas and many others.

The Faculty of Pharmacy is constantly conducting doctoral studies, which are being chosen by an increasing number of graduates with a Master’s degree in pharmacy.

