Faculty council

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evaldas Šlyžius, Associate Professor at the Department of Animal Breeding – Chairperson of the Council

Email: evaldas.slyzius.@lsmu.lt

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laimutis Kučinskas, Head of the Institute of Biological Systems and Genetic Research – Deputy Chairperson

Prof. Dr. Asta Racevičiūtė Stupelienė, Professor at the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies – Secretary of the Council
Email: Asta.Raceviciutestupeliene@lsmu.lt, phone: +370 37 363 505 


Prof. Dr. Rolandas Stankevičius, Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, member of the Council of the Faculty of Animal Science;
Prof. Dr. Vilma Vilienė, Professor at the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies;
Lect. Dr. Kristina Morkūnienė, Lecturer at the Institute of Biological Systems and Genetic Research;
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Anskienė, Associate Professor at the Department of Animal Breeding;
Mindaugas Paleckaitis, Lecturer at the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies;
Ilona Kauzonienė, representative of social partners, Vice-Chairperson of the Lithuanian Society of Fur and Rabbit Breeders;
Liepa Emilija Skruzdytė, student, Bachelor’s study programme “Animal Science”;
Ugnė Balčiūnaitė, student, Bachelor’s study programme “Animal and Human Interaction”.

Study programme committees

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evaldas Šlyžius, Department of Animal Breeding – Chairperson of the Committee
Prof. Dr. Paulius Matusevičius, Department of Animal Nutrition
Prof. Dr. Asta Racevičiūtė Stupelienė, Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies
Dr. Giedrius Palubinskas, Department of Animal Breeding
Dr. Renata Bižienė, Institute of Biological Systems and Genetic Research
Lect. Dr. Jūratė Rudejevienė, Dr. at L. Kriaučeliūnas Small Animal Clinic
Lect. Dr. Lina Ašmenskaitė, Department of Health Management
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Anskienė, Department of Animal Breeding;

Social partners:
Ilona Kauzonienė, animal husbandry consultant
Šarūnas Valys, Head of Combined Fodder and Premix Business Unit, AB Kauno Grūdai

Martyna Drupaitė, student, Master’s study programme “Animal Science”
Milda Žemaitytė, student, Bachelor’s study programme “Animal Science”
Ema Vaičiulionytė, student, Bachelor’s study programme “Animal Science”

Annual work plans:
Academic year 2021–2022
Academic year 2020–2021
Academic year 2019–2020

Activity reports:
Academic year 2020–2021
Academic year 2019–2020 (spring semester)
Academic year 2019–2020 (autumn semester)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Anskienė, Department of Animal Breeding – Chairperson of the Committee
Prof. Dr. Gintaras Zamokas, Dr. at L. Kriaučeliūnas Small Animal Clinic
Prof. Dr. Asta Racevičiūtė Stupelienė, Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Agila Daukšienė, Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies
Lect. Dr. Renata Japertienė, Department of Animal Breeding
Prof. Dr. Vilma Vilienė, Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies
Lect. Mindaugas Paleckaitis, Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies
Lect. Dr. Lina Ašmenskaitė, Department of Health Management
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evaldas Šlyžius, Department of Animal Breeding
Lect. Dr. Vilija Buckiūnienė, Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies
Assist. Jevgenij Razgulin, Department of Health Psychology of the Faculty of Public Health of the Medical Academy
Indrė Pašakinskaitė, junior researcher at the Department of Animal Nutrition, Animal Nutrition Research Laboratory

Social partners:
Ugnė Nedzinskaitė, CEO at PI Stebuklingi draugai LT
Vilma Chorūnaitė, owner of the leasure and horseback riding centre VILIUMAI, horseback riding coach

Student representative – Dovilė Mončiunskaitė

Annual work plans (clause 16 of the Regulations of the Study Programme Committee):
Academic year 2021–2022
Academic year 2020–2021
Academic year 2019–2020

Activity reports (clause 14 of the Regulations of the Study Programme Committee):
Academic year 2020–2021
Academic year 2019–2020 (spring semester)
Academic year 2019–2020 (autumn semester)
