Faculty council
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evaldas Šlyžius, Associate Professor at the Department of Animal Breeding – Chairperson of the Council
Email: evaldas.slyzius.@lsmu.lt
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laimutis Kučinskas, Head of the Institute of Biological Systems and Genetic Research – Deputy Chairperson
Prof. Dr. Asta Racevičiūtė Stupelienė, Professor at the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies – Secretary of the Council
Email: Asta.Raceviciutestupeliene@lsmu.lt, phone: +370 37 363 505
Prof. Dr. Rolandas Stankevičius, Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, member of the Council of the Faculty of Animal Science;
Prof. Dr. Vilma Vilienė, Professor at the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies;
Lect. Dr. Kristina Morkūnienė, Lecturer at the Institute of Biological Systems and Genetic Research;
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Anskienė, Associate Professor at the Department of Animal Breeding;
Mindaugas Paleckaitis, Lecturer at the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies;
Ilona Kauzonienė, representative of social partners, Vice-Chairperson of the Lithuanian Society of Fur and Rabbit Breeders;
Liepa Emilija Skruzdytė, student, Bachelor’s study programme “Animal Science”;
Ugnė Balčiūnaitė, student, Bachelor’s study programme “Animal and Human Interaction”.