The Cynology Centre of the Faculty of Animal Sciences of the LSMU Veterinary Academy (for short, the LSMU Cynology Centre) is a functional unit of the Faculty of Animal Sciences, participating in the Faculty’s publicity activities, dissemination of research-based knowledge and experience, implementation of study programmes and consulting and training of specialists in cynology.


  • conducting modern research;
  • to develop and disseminate scientific knowledge and experience in the fields of animal science cynology and cynotherapy;
  • participate in the faculty’s publicity activities;
  • To develop and popularise professional cynology in Lithuania, in cooperation with scientists of Medical and Veterinary Academies of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, representatives of LSMU Hospital Kaunas Clinics, Kaunas Clinical Hospital, Lithuanian and international cynology organisations and various fields of cynology: scientists, officials, specialists (border guards and police cynologists, hunters cynologists, breeders, cynology clubs, small animal veterinarians, cynotherapy specialists, feed manufacturers, trainers, animal care specialists, etc.).


Members of the Cynology Centre participate in scientific and study-related activities of LSMU, join in cynology and interdisciplinary research, carry out educational cynology activities, implement social projects, prepare recommendations to the public, organise cynology seminars, conferences, discussions and other events, provide consultations on the topics of cynology, contribute to the preparation of programmes of studies of cynotherapy and cynology, promotes cynotherapy and other areas of dog use in modern society.

Kinologijos centras LSMU

MEMBERSHIP of the Cynology Centre

Registration is open to anyone who wants to join the LSMU Cynology Centre. Registration is open to all adults who associate their activities, careers or leisure interests with science-based cynology, who want to build a community of professional cynologists, contribute to the study process, ongoing research and public education.


The Cynology Centre organises or contributes to many different events – from seminars to international conferences, where every member belonging to the Cynology Centre is welcome, it is planned to create an internal qualification programme for members of the Cynology Centre, and we are attentive to new ideas, initiatives and, as far as possible, will help to implement them.



Cynology Centre
Tilžės g. 18, LT-47181 Kaunas
Ugnė Nedzinskaitė
Junior Researcher