Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies
The Institute of Zootechnics at the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy was established in 1938. After the establishment of the Faculty of Zootechnics in 1946, the Institute saw repeated reorganisation. The first to separate was the Department of Zoohygiene which acted as a separate unit. In 1948, it was reorganised into two departments: the Department of Special Zootechnics and the Department of Animal Breeding which also offered a course in Genetics. In 1949, both Departments were merged back into the Department of Animal Breeding and Special Zootechnics. In 1950, the Department was reorganised into the Department of Special Zootechnics and the Department of Farm Animal Breeding and Genetics.
In accordance with the Decision of the Senate of the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy (LVA) of 12 May 2004, following the reorganisation of the Department of Informatics and Engineering, the Milking Training Centre (which had been operating at the LVA since 1990) was integrated into the Department. The Department was subsequently renamed the Department of Animal Husbandry. As part of the reform of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Technology, on 1 November 2014, the Department of Animal Husbandry was renamed the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies. Following the renaming of the Faculty, it is now the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies (abbreviation: IART) of the Faculty of Animal Science.
The aim of IART activities is to organise and deliver the study programmes at various study cycles (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral), train specialists and researchers, and carry out research and scientific projects in the field of animal science.
Departments at the IART: Josifas Tacas Milking Technology Centre.
Main research fields of the IART:
- Modernisation of the animal husbandry and aquaculture sector to improve the productivity and quality of production
- Development and integration of sustainable production (bio)technologies in animal husbandry
- Development and optimisation of alternatives to antibiotics and growth promoters in animal husbandry
- Improving animal performance and production quality by modelling the gastrointestinal microbiota
- Studies on the impact of animal rearing technologies (housing conditions, feed and/or feed materials and additives, etc.) on the quality of production
Doctoral courses coordinated by the IART:
- “Animal rearing technologies and their links to productivity, production quality and climate change”. Coordinator of the course curriculum: Prof. Dr. Elena Bartkienė, senior researcher at the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies of the Faculty of Animal Science of the LSMU Veterinary Academy
- “Animal therapy – pet socialisation, handler training, role of therapy in physical and psychosocial rehabilitation”. Coordinator of the course curriculum: Prof. Dr. Elena Bartkienė, senior researcher at the Institute of Animal Rearing Technologies of the Faculty of Animal Science of the LSMU Veterinary Academy
The educational process is organised by the IART at the research laboratories and facilities of the economic operators. The lectures are delivered in modern and comfortable classrooms. The IART provides conditions for students to carry out experiments within the framework of their final theses. A guide system is used for field trips to the facilities of the economic operators. The IART subscribes to publications relevant to the professionals in ANIMAL SCIENCE in order to integrate scientific and state-of-the-art knowledge into the educational process.
Researchers at the IART teach:
- students
- students of the integrated study programme “Veterinary Medicine” and of the first- and second-cycle study programmes “Veterinary Food Safety” and “Food Science” at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Projects and Collaboration
Institute of Animal Nutrition and Department of Agricultural Animal Ethology and Poultry Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Hohenheim (Germany), Institute of Animal Nutrition and Functional Plant Compounds of the University of Veterinary Medicine (Vienna, Austria), Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment (BIOR) (Riga, Latvia), University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) (Vienna, Austria); Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry, West Pomeranian University of Technology (Szczecin, Poland); Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, AB Žemaitijos pienas, UAB DeLaval, UAB Biržų žemtiekimas, UAB Pieno tyrimai, AB Lytagra, AB Kretingos grūdai, Pienas LT, UAB Life Fors, UAB Vyturys, UAB Kontvainiai, etc.
- In February 2022, the international project “Alternatives to Antibiotics in Livestock Production” was launched, supported by the Baltic-German Higher Education Office through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. More information
- European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Action Group project “Sustainable technology deployment through by-product biorefining schemes for productivity and production quality of different species”. Coordinator: the IART of the LSMU Faculty of Animal Science. Partners: KTU, Lukšių Agricultural Company of Šakiai district, Agricultural company AUGA Smilgiai, UAB Kontvainiai, UAB Vingininkai, S. Petkevičius’ enterprise “Petkus”, UAB Zujų paukštynas, and the consultancy service. Implementation period: 2020- 2023. Head of the project: E. Bartkienė
- Lithuanian-Bulgarian project funded by the Research Counsil of Lithuania: “Selection of microorganisms for industrial biotechnology purposes according to their specific metabolites profile by using sustainable substrates for active compounds preparation”, 2022-2024, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. Representative of Bulgaria: the Institute of Microbiology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (coordinator Prof. Dr. Penka Petrova). Coordinator of the Lithuanian research group: E. Bartkienė
- EUREKA project “A prototype of sustainable higher value antimicrobial properties feddstock (bio)technology ” (SUSFEETECH, No. 01.2.2-MITA-K-702-05-0001). Coordinator: the IART of the LSMU Faculty of Animal Science. Partners: KTU, BIOR, UAB Ustukių malūnas. Implementation period: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022. Head of the project: E. Bartkienė. More information
- International COST activity project (“Reducing acrylamide exposure of consumers by a cereals supply-chain approach targeting asparagine” (SOURDOmICS). (ACRYRED). CA21149. 2022-2026 (E. Bartkienė, representative of Lithuania in the Steering Committee, Deputy Head of the COST activity)
- R&D project “Selection of technological micro-organisms for the development and optimisation of fermented feed production”. Contract No. PR19-46, funded by UAB Kontvainiai. Duration: 22/03/2019 – 22/03/2020. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. E. Bartkienė. Project implementers: Dr. V. Lėlė, Dr. V. Starkutė, doctoral students students P. Zavistanavičiūtė, E. Zokaitytė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Daukšienė, and others
- Project “Training of farmers and agricultural practitioners under the training programmes “Fundamentals of cow milking technology”, “High-yield cow feeding”, “Fundamentals of organic farming”. No. 14PM-KK-17-1-01449-PR 001. Contract No. PRIMI 17-201. Implementation period: 29/12/2017 – 30/12/2019 (Implementer: Dr. Saulius Tušas)
- Project “Production of value-added safe sheepmeat semi-finished products and products with reduced saturated fat and increased fibre content on sheep farms”. No. 14PA-KK-18-1-03473-PR001. Contract No PRM19-8. Duration 02.09.2019 – 30.10.2021. (Principal Investigator Dr. Vilija Buckiūnienė)
- International project “Poultry nutrition and the challenges associated with the residues of antibiotics in poultry meat”, supported by the Baltic-German Office of Higher Education through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. Implementation period: 01/02/2019 – 30/09/2019, Contract No. PRM19-75 (coordinator: LSMU (Lithuania). Head of the project: Prof. Dr. E. Bartkienė. Project implementers: Dr. V. Lėlė, Dr. V. Starkutė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Daukšienė, Prof. Dr. M. Ružauskas, doctoral students P. Zavistanavičiūtė, E. Zokaitytė; foreign partners: University of Hohenheim (Stuttgard, Germany), BIOR Institute (Riga, Latvia)
- &D project “Selection of technological micro-organisms for the development and optimisation of galactooligosaccharide (GOS) production”. Contract No. PR19-13, funded by Agricultural company ŽŪB “Pienas LT”. Implementation period: 11/02/2019 – 01/06/2019. Head of the project: Prof. Dr. E. Bartkienė. Project implementers: Dr. V. Lėlė, Dr. V. Starkutė (Šakienė), doctoral students P. Zavistanavičiūtė, E. Zokaitytė
- R&D project “Potential use of humic compounds in broiler chicken production”. Contract No. PR19-75, funded by UAB Life Force Baltic. Implementation period: 27/06/2019 – 30/12/2019. Head of the project: E. Bartkienė. Project implementers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Daukšienė, Prof. Dr. Modestas Ružauskas, Dr. V. Lėlė, Dr. V. Starkutė, PhD students P. Zavistanavičiūtė and E. Zokaitytė
- R&D project “Investigation of the effect of different enzyme preparations on performance, carcass and breast muscle development in broiler chickens”. Contract No. PR19-74, funded by AB Kauno grūdai. Implementation period: 01/07/2019 – 15/10/2019. Head of the project: Prof. Asta Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė. Project implementers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vilma Vilienė, Monika Nutautaitė
- R&D project “The effect of fulvic and other organic acids on the quality of eggs from laying hens”. Contract No. PR18-54, funded by UAB Aukštėja. Implementation period: 04/06/2018 – 31/08/2018. Head of the project: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Daukšienė
- R&D project “The effect of FIBERMAX PLUS, a synergistic combination of probiotic cultures, organic acids and adsorbents, on the performance, quality and health of dairy cows”. Contract No. PR18-68, funded by Innov ad NV/SA. Implementation period: 09/07/2018 – 31/10/2018. Head of the project: Prof. Asta Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė. Project implementers: Assoc. Prof. Rolandas Stankevičius, Dr. Saulius Bliznikas, Dr. Aldona Mieželienė, Dr. Gitana Alenčikienė, Jovita Lionikienė, Jolita Klementavičiūtė, Vilma Šašytė, Monika Nutautaitė, Gintarė Rakickaitė, Ernesta Tolpežnikaitė
- R&D project “The effect of the supplement Aflorin® LIVA L on the performance and egg quality of Isa Brown laying hens”. Contract No PR18-73, funded by Innov ad NV/SA. Implementation period: 09/07/2018 – 31/10/2018. Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. Romas Gružauskas, Prof. Asta Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė. Project implementers: Vilma Šašytė, Jolita Klementavičiūtė, Saulius Alijošius, Monika Nutautaitė, Jovita Lionikienė, Saulius Viliušis
- R&D project “Improving the quality and nutritional value of eggs”. Contract No. PR17-62, funded by UAB Zujų paukštynas. Implementation period: 05/06/2017 – 27/10/2017. Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Gružauskas
- R&D project “Determination of the efficacy of super pre-starter feeds on broiler chicken performance and carcass quality”. Contract No. 10320/PR17-31, funded by AB Kauno grūdai. Implementation period: 17/02/2017 – 17/05/2017. Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Gružauskas
- R&D project “Efficacy of extruded and non-extruded soybean in broiler chicken feed”. Contract No. PR17-140, funded by AB Kauno grūdai. Implementation period: 15/11/2017 – 15/06/2018. Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Gružauskas
- R&D project “The effect of organic and inorganic selenium on poultry meat quality and performance of broiler chickens”. Contract No. PR17-19-17/03/03/01, funded by UAB Šiaurės vilkas. Implementation period: 27/02/2017 – 01/11/2017. Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Gružauskas
- R&D project “Investigation of the effect of spray-dried blood plasma AP 820PTM Spray-Dried Porcine Plasma on the performance and health of weaned piglets”. Contract No. PR16-102, funded by Imlitex UAB. Implementation period: 12/12/2016 – 30/12/2016. Head of the project: Assoc. Prof. Asta Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė. Project implementers: Dr. Vilma Vilienė, junior researcher Vilma Šašytė
- R&D project “Evaluation of egg quality parameters”. Contract No. PR15-87, funded by AB Vilniaus paukštynas. Implementation period: 14/12/2015 – 01/05/2016. Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Gružauskas
- R&D project “Investigation of the effect of a complex formulation consisting of butter, propion, sorbic and lauric acid, essential oils and plant extracts on performance, digestive processes and meat quality in broiler chickens”. Contract No. PR15-17-15/03/10/01, funded by Innov ad NV/SA. Implementation period: 09/02/2015 – 02/03/2015. Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Gružauskas
- R&D project “The effect of medium-chain fatty acids, emulsifiers and their combination with phytobiotic feed additives on performance, digestive processes and meat quality in broiler chickens”. Contract No. PR15-66, funded by Phytobiotics Futterzusatzstoffe GmbH. Implementation period: 28/10/2015 – 01/04/2016. Head of the project: Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Gružauskas
- Project MT/11-30 of the National Research Programme “Safe and Healthy Food”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. Contract No. 11/10/10/01: “Development of animal nutrition technology for the production of meat, milk and eggs of improved biological value”. Implementation period: academic years 2011 – 2015
- Project “Improving the competitiveness of dairy farms by introducing production innovations that reduce feed costs and improve product quality”. Joint activity agreement with the Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service and Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Registration No. BA 14-15-14/08/08/01. Implementation period: 04/06/2014 – 30/06/2015. Head of the LSMU part of the project: Dr. Ramutė Mišeikienė
- Training courses under the “Training for Milk Buyers” and “Improving the Milk Buyers’ Qualification” programmes
- Advising dairy farms on milking equipment and technology
- Seminars for expert handlers
- Workshops on animal-assisted therapies