Delegation From Aldent University: Better to See Once Than to Hear a Hundred Times

On May 2nd-6th University’s International Relations and Study Centre (TRSC), Academic Mobility Division (AJS) and colleagues from Aldent University (ALU, Albania) organized Erasmus + staff mobility activities at LSMU. The purpose of this visit from ALU was to exchange knowledge and experience about the processes of project administration and Erasmus+ mobilities’ organization both at LSMU and ALU. ALU is a private university founded on the initiative of Professor Adem Alushi, specializing in medical sciences. The university prepares specialists for nursing, physiotherapy, dentistry, pharmacy and medical laboratories. The teaching staff consists of selected specialists in their respective fields, most of whom improve their skills in Italy, Germany, the USA, etc.
On the first day of the visit, the delegation was hosted by the TRSC AJS team. Žaneta Dičkutė, Head of the Academic Mobility Department and International Programmes’ Coordinators – Živilė Kepežinskienė, Dovilė Grigorjevienė and Žydrė Vengalytė. The Head of the Academic Mobility Department shared peculiarities of Erasmus + project management. During this meeting LSMU activities, structure, versatility and quality of studies have been reviewed, the number of students studying in various LSMU study programmes was presented, the model of the organization of international studies was briefly described, as well as LSMU services provided to foreign students and future goals were discussed.
The coordinators presented figures of mobilities implemented during the past few academic years and the factors which influenced them. The most popular mobility destinations / countries have been highlighted. Good practice was also shared in organizing events not only to disseminate the Erasmus + programme, but also to inform future mobility participants and promote exchange.
After the official meeting, colleagues from Albania had the opportunity to get acquainted with the traditional, cultural culinary heritage of Lithuania and explore the city of Kaunas with a guide Dalia Leonavičienė. Kaunas city guide not only presented the history of the city, indicated the most popular places in Kaunas, but also invited to explore the best restaurants of the city, visit the Devils’ Museum, take a walk along Laisvės Alley. After training the cultural part of the brain, during the rest of the visit, guests got acquainted with the perspectives of innovation, science and business cooperation, achievements of scientific activities, university infrastructure, conditions for students not only to study, but also to spend their free time playing sports. During the intense subject programme, ALU delegation visited the Faculty of Public Health, Pharmacy, Study Center, Career Center. Incoming specialists also gained experience in the departments of the Faculties of Medicine, Odontology and Nursing. TRSC AJS is especially grateful to all LSMU divisions who devoted their time, attention, prepared rich academic content programmes and presentations which fully met the expectations of foreign guests.
This visit further united Erasmus + institutional partnership between LSMU and ALU and strengthened the commitment to the successful implementation of mobility activities. According to Gjolek Mera, head of the delegation and head of the Center of International Relations and Projects at ALU, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. After a long quarantine, the opportunity to travel and visit partners, to have “live” conversations and feel the joy of communication is invaluable and irreplaceable.
On this occasion, we want to encourage and invite all members of the LSMU community – students, teachers, and staff – not to give up their dream of traveling, getting to know, and discovering the world with the Erasmus + exchange programme.