Diplomas Awarded to LSMU Graduates: Turning Dreams into Reality with World-Class Recognition

On 28 June, the hard work of the students at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) over several years paid off as they were awarded their graduation diplomas at the solemn LSMU Senate session.
The ceremony, held at the Kaunas “Žalgiris” Arena, was attended by graduates from the Faculty of Medicine, Odontology, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health, Veterinary, and Animal Sciences, along with their family members and friends.
High demand on the Lithuanian and international job markets
Today‘s medical doctors are expected to possess not only outstanding specialised knowledge but also strong teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership skills. LSMU is the university, which cultivates long-standing traditions in medical training and, at the same time, keeps pace with the most advanced global trends in the training of health professionals.
According to Prof. Kęstutis Petrikonis, the LSMU Vice-Rector for Studies, the training of medical and health specialists at LSMU is indeed exceptional. Theoretical studies building on the latest scientific knowledge are combined with practical, simulation, problem-based learning, providing key professional skills, teaching collaboration, and fostering responsibility.
“The University maintains close ties with healthcare institutions, including our major partners Kaunas Clinics and Kaunas Hospital, which provide the clinical base for the studies. We place significant focus on practical training, which covers much more than hospital-based training. Medical simulation is one of the advanced learning methods actively applied at LSMU. In medical simulation, clinical practical skills and situational problem-solving competences are honed using mannequins, dummies, training equipment, or simulated patient environments.
Problem-based learning has been applied at our University for over 20 years, enabling the students to demonstrate not only knowledge, but also their skills in a structured way. LSMU is highly international, and we have acquired one of the world’s most popular independent learning platforms. The course content developed by the world’s leading specialists is suitable for independent learning and can be integrated with artificial intelligence systems,” explained the Vice-Rector for Studies.
According to Prof. K. Petrikonis, LSMU graduates have been and will be in high demand on the job market. Those wishing to pursue their medical careers abroad will benefit from the obtained accreditation of the LSMU medical studies according to the World Federation for Medical Education standards.
“This is a recognition of the alignment of medical studies in Lithuania with the global standards. We are a global player competing not just nationally or within Europe, but on a global scale,“ – noted the LSMU Vice-Rector for Studies. “The accreditation enables the graduates to pursue their careers in the U.S., keeping in mind that the U.S. standards are higher than the European ones in certain cases, and this also helps further enhance our study programmes,“ – added Prof. K. Petrikonis.
The received accreditation makes considerable difference for the foreign nationals pursuing their degrees at LSMU and making up more than 25% of all students at the university.
According to Prof. K. Petrikonis, in many countries, medical and health study programmes admit only a very limited number of applicants, and young people explore other options to obtain a high-quality education degree. LSMU is attractive to foreigners due to its solid clinical base, opportunities to engage in scientific research, and multicultural environment.
Dream came true
Mindaugas Sėjūnas, TV presenter and graduate from the LSMU BSc programme Animal and Human Interaction, shares that the studies were very interesting and encourages everyone who are enthusiastic about nature and animals to apply to the Faculty of Animal Sciences at LSMU. It took 30 years for him to come to this realisation and 50 years to fulfil his dream. He therefore advises not to delay or hesitate, as life flies by at an incredible speed.
“Completing these studies was not very easy, but very interesting. In biology lectures, I returned to forests, the depths of the earth, and the entire diversity around us. Chemistry and biochemistry taught us the structure of substances, from which all living things are made. In morphology lectures, we would assemble the bones of various animals like “Lego” pieces, learning about joint connections and their names. Through a microscope, we would observe the movement of cells and other microorganisms. We would count red blood cells – erythrocytes – and finally saw up close what we only used to refer to in our conversations,” – shared M. Sėjūnas.
Recommends opting for LSMU
Judita Klusaitė, this year’s graduate from the LSMU Midwifery programme has already received a job offer to work at a maternity ward, and highly recommends opting for Midwifery studies.
“After secondary school, it was like a breath of fresh air, providing scientific, work, and life experiences,” – explains J. Klusaitė. “These studies reflected a high academic level. Here, I met wonderful people and learned practical skills based on the latest guidelines from teachers and professionals working in the clinical departments. This University offers excellent opportunities to participate in international events, courses, conferences, Erasmus+ programmes, and to join university communities.”
In turn, the graduate of the MSc programme Wellness and Rehabilitation of LSMU and occupational therapist, Greta Židžiūnaitė emphasises that LSMU is one of the leading medical universities in the Baltic countries, training high-level specialists. Studies at LSMU provided her with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills that she has been using in her work every day.
“Moreover, the MSc programme curriculum has been designed in a way to enable the MSc students to work. The teachers are eager to cooperate and support students. Having gained the BSc degree, I was invited to work at one of the teacher’s institutions, and I still work there. I therefore believe that studies at LSMU offer a great opportunity for young people to develop, grow as individuals, and build strong careers,“ – smiles G. Židžiūnaitė.
Liveta Karpaitė, graduate of the Pharmacy study programme agrees with her peer. According to Liveta, the studies provided a great deal of theoretical and practical knowledge essential for becoming a great specialist. The most enjoyable part for the graduate was applying theory during laboratory work, creating various chemical reactions, observing colour changes, and producing various pharmaceuticals forms of drugs, such as tablets, capsules, or suppositories.
L. Karpaitė recommends the Pharmacy study programme to people who are enthusiastic about health sciences, chemistry, and biology, want to help people, possess analytical thinking skills, and are responsible and thorough.
“Currently, I work in the same pharmacy where I did my internship,” – shares the LSMU graduate. “The first time that I started at a job that corresponded the field of my studies was after the completion of my second year. It is really not difficult to find a job for a pharmacist (even if you are still studying to become one). There are various events within and outside the University where you can network with the representatives of pharmacies or pharmaceutical companies. It is nice that so many job or internship opportunities are offered to students as well.”
L. Karpaitė says that career opportunities for the graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy are very broad: some pursue careers in pharmacies, others – in pharmaceutical distribution companies or laboratories conducting pharmaceutical research.
“These studies became a great start and opened opportunities to work in the desired field in a pharmacy. I really enjoy interacting with people, and feel great being able to listen to so many interesting yet different stories and complaints, and to find the best solution to their problem. Having completed my studies this year, I can now confidently say that I am happy with my choice to study at LSMU,” – smiles the graduate.
This year, the diplomas were awarded at Žalgirio Arena to 447 graduates of the Faculty of Medicine, 134 graduates of the Faculty of Odontology, 172 graduates of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 63 graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy, 139 graduates of the Faculty of Public Health, 192 graduates of the Faculty of Nursing, and 27 graduates of the Faculty of Animal Sciences – a total of 1,174 graduates, 275 of whom came from 48 countries.