Improvement and accreditation of study programmes
The first, second cycle and integrated studies are coordinated by the University’s Study Centre, the third cycle studies are coordinated by the University’s Research Centre, and the non-degree studies are coordinated by the Centre for Postgraduate Studies.
Study Programme Committees shall be formed for the development, management, evaluation, and improvement of the first-, second-cycle, and integrated study programmes, operating in accordance with the Regulations of the Study Programme Committees.
More details about the Study Programme Committees and their activities:
- Study Programme Committees of the Faculty of Medicine
- Study Programme Committees of the Faculty of Odontology
- Study Programme Committees of the Faculty of Pharmacy
- Study Programme Committees of the Faculty of Nursing
- Study Programme Committees of the Faculty of Public Health
- Study Programme Committees of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Study Programme Committees of the Faculty of Animal Science
The Law on Science and Studies of the Republic of Lithuania stipulates that only study programmes in accredited fields of study may be conducted in higher education institutions. External evaluation of higher education fields is carried out by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education or another higher education quality assessment agency included in the European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education. Assessment and accreditation is performed at least once in 7 years, according to the procedure established by the Ministry of Education and Science, according to the methodology established by the Centre for Study Quality and Assessment.
The quality of study fields is assessed according to the following areas:
- Study aims, outcomes and content
- Links between science (art) and study activities
- Student admission and support
- Studying, student performance and graduate employment
- Teaching staff
- Learning facilities and resources
- Study quality management and publicity
The fields are given the scores (5-point assessment system)
Grade | Evaluation | Description |
5 | Exceptional qualities | The field is exceptionally good in the national and international context/environment. |
4 | Very good | The field is evaluated very well in the national and international context, without any deficiencies. |
3 | Good | The field is being developed systematically, has distinctive features. |
2 | Satisfactory | The field meets the established minimum requirements, needs improvement. |
1 | Unsatisfactory | The field does not meet the minimum requirements, there are essential shortcomings that make it impossible to conduct field studies. |
There are three types of decisions for the accreditation of studies in the field: 1) Accreditation for 7 years; 2) Accreditation for 3 years; 3) No accreditation.
The conclusions of the external evaluation of the ongoing and planned study programmes are available on the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) website or In the Open Information, Counselling and Guidance System (AIKOS).
According to the Order of the Minister of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania of 17 July 2019, sub-section 3.1. The study fields carried out by all higher education institutions shall be considered accredited until they have been assessed and accredited in accordance with the procedure established by this Order, in accordance with the plan provided by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education. External evaluation of study fields, plan for 2020–2025.
The calendar of external evaluation of LSMU study fields is presented in this table.
Ongoing evaluation projects