Quality at the University
One of the cornerstones of the University’s activities is the culture of quality and its fostering. In higher education, quality is primarily perceived as the quality of studies, which is an integral relationship between the organisation of studies, the expression of educators’ subject qualifications and teaching aids, the lecturing of study subjects / modules, the organisation of the study process and the relationship between lecturers and students. However, the concept of quality encompasses a much wider range of activities carried out by the university community, such as research, clinical licensing and decision-making, and university administration. Fostering a quality culture is a strategic goal of the University. The University’s culture of quality, as a culture of continuous improvement and positive change, is fostered on the basis of the values enshrined in the University’s mission.
The University’s quality assurance policy is implemented taking into account the provisions and guidelines for quality assurance of the European Higher Education Area (ESG) ( European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance, as well as the 2015 version translated into Lithuanian – Provisions for Quality Assurance of Studies), implementing student-oriented studies’ model and the provisions of the European Higher Science Area (EAME) formulated in the Bologna process (we recommend to familiarise yourself with the documents and news of the Bologna process on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science).
The basis of study quality at the university consists of four main components:
- Quality study programmes.
- Effective study process and progress.
- Continuous improvement of lecturers’ qualifications.
- Ensuring study resources.
The following main processes help to ensure a high level of study quality at the university:
- Involvement of students and social partners in decision-making.
- Collection and analysis of relevant information to assess the quality of studies.
- Providing feedback to the academic community on the assessment and improvement of the quality of studies.
LSMU Study Quality Guide – the main document of the internal study quality assurance system, intended for members of the University community and all interested parties, in order to enable each member to take responsibility for quality assurance and improvement by developing a quality culture and responding to specific needs aligned with the University’s mission, vision and strategic activities directions.