Financial Support

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There are several scholarship schemes at LSMU available for all University students. Scholarships are awarded on a competition basis by combining academic performance and special criteria established for each scholarship.

Incentive scholarship
  • The scholarship is equal to 1.5 times the basic social allowance (BSI). Awarded to the best students studying at state-funded places and non-state-funded places for the best admission or study results. Students studying at places not financed by the state, who began their studies at the University before 2009, cannot receive an incentive scholarship.
  • Funds for incentive scholarships are distributed proportionally to the faculties according to the number of students studying. These scholarships are awarded to students with the highest study average in the relevant courses of the faculty’s study programme (in the first semester – those with the highest entrance score). The study average of the semester, according to which the scholarships are awarded in the competitive procedure, is calculated from the grades of all the discipline exams taken.

More information can be found at LSMU Regulations of Awarding Incentive Scholarships.

One-time incentive scholarship
  • The application is submitted to LSMU SA by the 10th day of the current month;
  • Awarded to advanced students to encourage them for active student, social, organisational, scientific, sports activities and high results achieved while representing the University;
  • The scholarship is up to 2 BSI (BSI – general social benefit, 1 BSI=130 Eur) and can be awarded no more than 2 times per semester;
  • Upon the birth of a child, the death of a family member, or in the event of a natural disaster, the 2nd BSI incentive scholarship is awarded once per semester;
  • When applying for a scholarship, it is necessary to submit documents certifying the student’s activities at the university, the child’s birth certificate, death certificate, etc.
Nominal Scholarship

Required documents:

  • Application on behalf of the rector to receive a nominal scholarship;
  • A certificate of academic average approved by the dean;
  • A short autobiography;
  • Documents proving active participation in student activities or disability (students who have lost their parents or guardians, have disabled parents, or come from large families);
  • Documents proving other achievements (copies)

Recent years nominal scholarships (subject to change over the time):

  • International Excellence Scholarship (for students who are actively involved and have achieved great results in the fields of increasing the internationality of LSMU, creating a multicultural environment, as well as growing the awareness of LSMU abroad);  
  • Lithuanian Science Support Dr. Juozas and Birutė Skrinskai Fund (for students of the Faculty of Medicine);
  • Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis Scholarship (for the student of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Public Health);
  • Juozas Olekas Scholarship (for a student of the Faculty of Medicine);
  • JSC “Gintarinė vaistinė” Scholarship (for the 4th and 5th-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy)
  • JSC “MED GRUPĖ” Scholarship (for a student of the Odontology programme at the Faculty of Odontology)
  • Veterinary Pharmacy Association Scholarship (for a student of the Veterinary Medicine study programme at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine).
CHANCEN eG Income Share Agreement program

LSMU cooperates with CHANCEN eG, a social enterprise providing educational funding. The enterprise assists German, Swiss and Austrian citizens with tuition fees. CHANCEN eG Income Share Agreement program may be one of options for student self-funding. 

Study first and pay later – based on your income with CHANCEN eG

Body: With the Income Share Agreement, you can focus on your studies, while CHANCEN eG takes care of your tuition fees. In exchange, you commit to affording future generations with the same opportunity. Once you start working in a company or found your startup, you start making income-based repayments to finance the study fees of future generations.

What is CHANCEN eG?

Study first, pay later based on your income. With Income Share Agreements, you can focus on your studies, while CHANCEN eG takes care of your tuition fees partially or completely. When you graduate, income-based repayments are made to CHANCEN eG. 

How to apply? 

This financial aid solution is applicable to finance your tuition fees partially or fully.

  • Submit your online application to the UNIVERSITY. 
  • If your interview with the UNIVERSITY is successful, you will be able to apply to CHANCEN eG for the ISA.
  • If your interview is successful with CHANCEN eG, you will sign a financing contract with CHANCEN eG.
  • You’re all set to start your study experience at the UNIVERSITY!

Financing guide for living expenses

Support for expatriates and foreigners of Lithuanian origin


The State Study Fund (hereinafter – the Fund) informs that on 20 January 2021 the competition for the allocation of state support for the studies of foreign Lithuanians in Lithuanian higher education institutions (hereinafter – Support) is launched (hereinafter – the competition for the allocation of support).

The competition for awarding support is announced and support is provided in accordance with the description of the procedure for awarding state support for Lithuanians from abroad studying at Lithuanian higher education institutions, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania on 27 December 2016 by order no. V-1160 (hereinafter – Description).

Lithuanians from abroad can receive two types of support: a scholarship and/or social allowance.

  • Stipen
  • The monthly amount of the scholarship is 130.00 Eur.
  • Social benefit – is a one-time payment, given taking into account the social situation of the person applying for support (from 203 Eur to 319 Eur).

Support is not granted to students studying the languages of the countries from which they came.

Lithuanians from abroad studying in Lithuanian higher education institutions and wishing to receive state support in 2021 in the spring semester, from 20 January 2021 until 20 February 2021 must:

Register on the Fund’s website and electronically fill out the prescribed application form. Applications for support are submitted electronically on the fund’s website by authorising through electronic banking or electronic signature systems.

A student who applies for Support for the first time must submit documents confirming the status of a foreign Lithuanian, or copies of them certified in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts, by the end of the application deadline.

Applicants for support must submit:

  • a document confirming Lithuanian origin issued by the Lithuanian community of the region or another institution, or a copy of it certified in the manner established by legal acts,
  • or submit documents confirming that they have lived abroad for at least 3 years, and when they arrived in the Republic of Lithuania, they started studying no earlier than in the eighth grade.

A student who wants to receive a social benefit, in the application, notes the social criteria according to which they claim to receive a social benefit, and must submit documents confirming their social status to the Fund (documents confirming the number of family members, death certificates, etc.) by the end of the application deadline or as prescribed by law duly approved copies of them, except in cases where the Fund indicates that the documents do not need to be submitted.

The student must submit documents confirming the status of a foreign Lithuanian and documents confirming the social status to the Fund by electronic means or by sending them by mail.

Higher education institutions following the Description using the Fund’s information system provide information related to personal study data within 3 working days: confirmation that the foreign Lithuanian is a student of this higher education institution and has not temporarily suspended their studies or gone on academic leave, the start and end dates of the semester (including vacation periods) or for students of the final year – the date of graduation, the number of academic debts in accordance with the procedure established by the higher education institution, the grade point average of the student’s last assessments and other data necessary for the allocation and administration of support. By submitting the data, the Higher Education Institution confirms that the data provided is correct.

The Fund informs higher education institutions about the decision made within 5 working days through the information system from the day of the decision of the commission formed by the Director of the Fund.

If a person who has received support discontinues their studies, is removed from the student lists, suspends their studies, or goes on an academic leave, higher education institution informs the Fund about this within 3 working days of the occurrence of these circumstances.

In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19), residents of the State Study Fund are served only remotely during the quarantine period. Live reception of residents is not carried out.

Additional documents can be submitted:

• electronic documents using the e-mail:  or  information system;

• send by post to: A. Goštauto g. 12-407, 01108 Vilnius;

• leave it in our mailbox near the building in A. Goštauto st. 12, Vilnius. (On the mailbox it is written “VALSTYBINIS STUDIJŲ FONDAS”).

Students who do not have a Lithuanian personal identification number and are applying for support, in the event of problems connecting to the Fund’s information system, can apply by phone +370 52 639 158 and +370 658 30997 or by e-mail

We will provide more information about the conditions and procedure for granting support by phone +370 658 30997 and on the website of the Fund at

Support for non-state funded studies

The financial Support for the Students of First-Cycle, Second-Cycle, and Integrated Studies governs the support procedure for the students of non-state-funded first-cycle, second-cycle, and integrated studies at the University.

The financial support consists of reimbursement of part of the tuition fee with the aim of improving the accessibility of higher education for students experiencing social exclusion and supporting the motivation of the best-performing students.

The financial support can be awarded only to the University students attending non-state funded studies who have the last semester grade equal to at least the aggregate average grade of all students attending the same year and study program at the University for the last semester less than 10%. The previous provision shall not apply if only one exam is graded for the respective semester, in which case, the grade for the last semester shall be at least the grade of the year and study program less than 10%. First-year students are eligible to apply for financial support starting the second (spring) semester.

The application “Regarding Financial Support” and other necessary documents are submitted in LSMU SIS.

For detailed information, please contact the International Programme Coordinator, Laima Piliponienė, e-mail: or the administrator of the Student Affairs Office, Vitalija Skipskienė, e-mail: mail

Lithuanian State scholarships for full-time Master’s degree or integrated studies

Education Exchanges Support Foundation is opening a Call for applications for Lithuanian state scholarships for full-time Master’s degree or integrated studies (a maximum of the two last years of the integrated studies) at Lithuanian higher education institutions for the year 2024.

Funding under the Call will be provided to the citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Georgia, Israel, Japan, Moldova, South Korea, Ukraine and foreigners of Lithuanian origin from non-EU and EFTA countries, 100 grants in total (monthly scholarships and grants covering the study cost), ensuring quotas for citizens of the following countries:

• Belarus (10 grants);
• Ukraine (20 grants);
• Foreign citizens of Lithuanian origin from non-EU and EFTA countries (5 grants).

A monthly scholarship is equal to 550 EUR. The grant covering the study cost is limited to and cannot be higher than the national standard study price.

More information here:

Study fees and payment terms

In order to reduce  study fees or adjust payment terms, you need to fill out an application if there is a reason for which the student:

  • may be exempted from tuition fees;
  • tuition fees may be reduced;
  • wants to pay the fee for studies in instalments;
  • the term of the tuition fee may be postponed;
  • the tuition fee may be reduced due to credits;
  • the overpaid amount may be refunded.

Ways of paying tuition fees

The tuition fee is outlined in the individual Study Contract to be signed between the student and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and has to be paid to the following account:

   Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas / Lithuanian University of Health Sciences 
   (address: A. Mickevičiaus st. 9, LT-44307, Kaunas
   Bank: AB SEB bank 
   (bank address: Konstitucijos pr. 24, Vilnius, Lietuva)
   Account no. LT09 7044 0600 0290 5377
   SWIFT (if needed): CBVI LT 2X

The applicants have to cover all bank charges and indicate the name, surname, and payment code in the payment details.

Support for students with disabilities

Provision of financial aid measures to students with disabilities

To receive targeted payments students must receive a study permit and disabled students of higher education institutions operating in Lithuania and branches of foreign higher education institutions who have study-related activities and must meet the following requirements:

  • Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania or citizens of other states and stateless persons who have declared permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania;
  • has a 45 percent or lower level of working capacity or a severe or moderate level of disability as determined by law;
  • is studying at a higher education institution for the first time (unless a disabled person, having previously discontinued studies or been expelled from a higher education institution, starts studying again. These targeted benefits are not provided for the period for which benefits were paid before the date of termination of studies or removal from higher education): 
  • according to the first cycle (professional bachelor or bachelor) study programme or an integrated study programme;
  • according to the second cycle (master’s) study programme;
  • according to a non-degree study programme;
  • in the third cycle (doctorate);
  • have no academic debts according to the studied study programme and/or penalties imposed by the procedure established by the higher education institution.

Targeted payments are available to students of ALL higher education institutions, regardless of whether their higher education institution is a project partner. Targeted payments are awarded for one semester (including the holiday period). A student seeking to receive a targeted payment submits an application electronically by logging into the Fund’s information system (IS “PARAMA”) during the main admission: for the fall semester – from 1 September of the current year until 16 October, and for the spring semester – from 1 February of the current year until 16 March.

The payment of the targeted benefit is terminated:

  • after the student has finished their studies before the planned graduation date, if they have terminated their studies in accordance with the procedure established by the higher education institution, or if the student has been expelled from the higher education institution;
  • after the student goes on academic leave or temporarily suspends their studies;
  • upon the student’s death.

The payment of the targeted benefit is suspended if the work capacity level changes (set above 45 percent work capacity level) or the student acquires academic debts or penalties in accordance with the procedure established by the higher education institution.

The implementation of the provisions of this description is coordinated by the Department of Disability Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.

The person responsible for the administration of state-sponsored loans at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jurgita Dailidavičienė
Senior Specialist at the Study Centre