- State-funded financial support
- The earmarked allowance to increase the accessibility of studies
- ERASMUS+ financial support
The Department for the Affairs of the Disabled under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, in accordance with The procedure for providing financial assistance measures to students with disabilities studying at higher education institutions, provides financial assistance to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania or citizens of other countries and stateless persons who have declared a permanent place of residence in the Republic of Lithuania and are studying at a higher education institution, meeting the following requirements:
- have a level of work capacity determined in accordance with the procedure established by legislation at 45 per cent or less, or a severe or moderate disability determined while studying at a higher education institution;
- study for the first time:
- under a first-cycle (to acquire a Professional Bachelor’s or Bachelor’s degree) study programme or an integrated study programme;
- under a second-cycle (Master’s) study programme;
- under a vocational study programme;
- under a third-cycle (doctoral) study programme;
- under a short-term study programme.
The following financial assistance measures are available:
- allowances to meet special needs: monthly allowance amount (50% of the basic social insurance pension);
- partial reimbursement of study expenses: allowance amount 3.2 times the basic social benefit.
Students with disabilities seeking financial assistance shall submit an application for financial assistance and a copy of the disability certificate to the LSMU Student Affairs Office within 10 working days from the beginning of each semester. After the expiration of the disability certificate, a copy of the extended certificate should be submitted as soon as possible.
The State Study Foundation provides a monthly earmarked allowance for students with disabilities.
Students with disabilities studying at higher education institutions and their branches of foreign higher education institutions operating in Lithuania, who meet the following conditions, are eligible for the earmarked allowances:
- have a level of work capacity determined in accordance with the procedure established by legislation at 45 per cent or less (or a severe or moderate disability);
- First-time students studying at a higher education institution after the determination of disability: under a first-cycle (Bachelor’s) study programme or an integrated study programme; under a second-cycle (Master’s) study programme; under a non-degree study programme; under a third-cycle (doctoral) study programme.
Students with disabilities studying at the university who wish to receive the earmarked allowance shall submit their applications electronically For more information please visit the website of the State Study Foundation: by selecting “Electronic Services” and clicking on “Earmarked Allowance” (Tikslinė išmoka). The student logs into the Scholarship and Financial Aid Information System (IS “Parama”) of the State Study Foundation, using the login credentials of their respective e-banking services. When completing the “Earmarked Allowance” (Tikslinė išmoka) form, indicate the period for which the allowance is requested (e.g. “Earmarked Allowance. Spring Semester 2023”).
The application submission period in the spring semester during the main admission process is from 1 February to 16 March, and in the autumn semester during the main admission process, i.e. from 1 September to 16 October.
After the main admission process, additional admissions take place in the spring semester from 1 April to 31 August of the current year, and in the autumn semester from 1 November to 31 January of the following year. During the additional admissions period, students wishing to receive the earmarked allowance shall submit their applications every month from the 1st to the 16th of the respective month.
The payment of the earmarked allowance is suspended in the following cases:
- if there is a change in the student’s work capacity (a higher work capacity level is determined, exceeding 45 per cent);
- if the student incurs academic debts or penalties in accordance with university regulations.
The payment of the earmarked allowance is terminated in the following cases:
- if the student completes their studies before the initially anticipated date of completion of the studies;
- if the student’s studies are terminated in accordance with the regulations of the higher education institution;
- if the student is expelled from the higher education institution;
- when the student takes an academic leave or suspends their studies;
- in the event of the student’s death.
A monthly allowance of €260, which is 6.5 times the basic social benefit (BSI), is provided. Applications are submitted online twice a year: from 15 September to 10 October for the autumn semester and from 20 January to 20 February for the spring semester. For more information please visit For more information please visit the website of the State Study Foundation:.
For more information please contact senior specialist at the Study Centre, Assoc. Prof. Jurgita Dailidavičienė, jurgita.dailidaviciene@lsmu.lt
LSMU students with special needs participating in Erasmus+ mobility activities are eligible for additional financial support. The support may be granted for the following purposes:
- additional expenses for the aids and/or services, depending on the nature of the illness and/or disability. The need for these expenses shall be substantiated by medical records, i.e., the need for the aids and/or services for which additional support is requested shall be confirmed by an extract from medical documents issued by a doctor;
- accompanying person’s subsistence and travel expenses, if these expenses are reasonable. For more information please seehere. For more information please contact the following persons:
Erasmus+ studies: Eglė Vizbaraitė, egle.vizbaraite@lsmu.lt
Erasmus+ traineeship: Brigita Vinikaitytė, brigita.vinikaityte@lsmu.lt