Healthy Lifestyle Consultations

Healthy lifestyle educators at the Department of Preventive Medicine provide consultations to the LSMU staff and students on healthy lifestyle issues. Consultations and training sessions are dedicated to the healthy lifestyle skills, disease prevention and health preservation through the application of lifestyle medicine principles. Our specialists seek to educate the University community on healthy lifestyle and chronic disease risk reduction. They assist individuals in discovering personalized solutions in order to alter lifestyle habits related to nutrition, physical activity, habit management, and psycho-emotional resilience building.
Consultation and training:
- Individual in-person consultations
- Individual remote consultations
- Theoretical and practical group training
- Visits to divisions
- Body composition measurements and data analysis
Both remote and face-to-face counselling are provided by:

Counselling LSMU community remotely and face-to-face at the LSMU Faculty of Public Health, Tilžės St. 18, Room 238.
Counselling LSMU community remotely and face-to-face at the LSMU Faculty of Public Health, Tilžės St. 18, Room 238.
- A client seeking individual consultations should register in the virtual registration form by specifying their personal email address provided by the University. In the registration form, the client should select the healthy lifestyle educator available, convenient time, and type of consultation (in-person or remote).
- Before confirming the registration, the person shall read and consent to the information about personal data processing, i.e. Privacy Notice.
- During the initial consultation session, we’ll discuss person’s expectations, counselling goals, and conditions. The person will also be required to sign a Consent to Receive Services form. For a remote consultation, the client shall sign the consent form using the preferred method or take a photo of the signed hard copy of the form and email it to sveikagyvensena.pagalba@lsmu.lt.
- Depending on the need, each individual is provided with up to four (4) consultations per calendar year, with opportunity to have more in certain circumstances.
- Consultations last up to 45 minutes per consultation.
- During one-to-one consultations, the healthy lifestyle educator assesses the individual’s motivation to change lifestyle habits, lifestyle, knowledge of healthy lifestyles, and expectations based on the individual’s needs; identifies risk factors limiting healthy lifestyles; and determines the objectives of the healthy lifestyle training; develops a training plan for healthy lifestyle (including nutrition, physical activity, psychological health, sleep and other habits); selects, adapts and trains individuals in the use of health-conscious and health-enhancing measures according to the needs and capabilities of the individual; provides recommendations for health-enhancing lifestyle to the individual.
- The Healthy Lifestyle Consultation shall not be treated as a service provided by a lifestyle medicine specialist in the same way as it is provided at health care facilities, and chronic disease management will not be addressed.
- Individuals who have registered for a consultation are required to notify any delays or cancellations by email to pagalba@lsmu.lt at least 12 hours prior to the scheduled consultation time.
- Please bear in mind, late arrivals result in lost time which cannot be retrieved.
- If you’re unable to attend, you can register for another session.
- Consultation sessions are not provided to individuals under the influence of psychoactive substances.
- Consultations with the healthy lifestyle educator are confidential.
- We solely collect basic statistical information about the number of individuals consulted and the number of consultations they have received for the purposes of the report on the provision of psychological services.
- The healthy lifestyle educator, through group services, arranges specialised group consultation/training sessions chosen by individuals according to their needs; selects, adapts and provides training in the use of health-conscious and health-promoting measures; and offers recommendations to the group on how to adopt healthier lifestyle practices.
- Body composition measurements are performed with a professional body composition analyser ACCUNIQ BC310. The results are provided in a printed format. A healthy lifestyle educator evaluates the data and offers personalised recommendations.
- To enrol in group training sessions, individuals shall complete the virtual registration form after the training topics have been published.