Prof. Luciano Saso’s visit to Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Last week, Prof. Luciano Saso visited the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU). He is former Deputy-Rector for European University Networks at Sapienza University of Rome and has a good experience in international relations. During the visit, Prof. Saso shared his expert experience, got acquainted with the renewed infrastructure of the university, discussed the possibilities for further cooperation.

The importance of international cooperation
Prof. Saso is Co-Ambassador of the European Office of AAHCI, the Alliance of Academic Health Centers International, a prestigious organisation linking medical Faculties and Universities in many countries.
According to him, international cooperation and the Alliance’s activities are very important to improve the quality of health sciences faculties or universities.
“In the Alliance, it is discussed how to find a balance between different activities such as teaching, research and healthcare, all of them very important,” Prof. Saso said.
The modern challenges of learning and teaching and were discussed
During his visit, the Prof. Saso and LSMU representatives discussed new approaches in learning and teaching.
“Nowadays, the main problem young people is facing is the information overload. They can find plenty of information, but it’s not always easy to tell if it is true and reliable. Therefore, teachers must guide them to prevent disorientation in the “ocean of available knowledge”, professor said.
Prof. Saso touched upon the student learning issues in his presentation at the LSMU doctoral students’ International Health Sciences Conference Health for All 2024. In his presentation, he discussed the topics of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, and other contemporary learning challenges.
“Tools like ChatGPT will not disappear, but they will only improve further and eventually become a part of our lives. Therefore, universities need to adapt to this and other new technologies. We need to innovate, change methodologies, and encourage greater involvement of young people,” Prof. Saso said.

Will bring back good impressions
Prof. L. Saso visited Lithuania the last time in 2008. According to him, since then the LSMU infrastructure has changed significantly.
“Compared to the previous visit, I saw many new facilities that did not exist back then. You have a spacious library, modern learning facilities that students can reserve for discussions and meetings, new faculties of Nursing and Pharmacy. Your university is very dynamic, you can see that people are engaged, actively participate, cooperate perfectly with each other, the Rector has excellent competence. The impression is really good.”
Prof. L. Saso also got acquainted with Čiurlionis’s art and visited the Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights in Vilnius.
“So often we complain about our lives and don’t realise how much the situation improved in our countries in the last few decades. So, it is important to remember our past and focus on the positive aspects whenever possible. We are all in the European Union now and we need to appreciate more what we have,” he said.