Project‘s „Digital And Hybrid Teaching And Learning Of Practical Skills In Higher Education (Ditepract)“ all partners meeting at LSMU

On January 18-19 partners of the project “Digital And Hybrid Teaching and Learning Of Practical Skills In Higher Education” (Ditepract) had a meeting at „Lithuanian University of Health Sciences “ (LSMU). Project‘s aim – development and application of digital and hybrid teaching and learning methods in the development of practical skills. LSMU is represented in this project by the project manager prof. Aurelija Blaževičienė (Nursing Clinic), doc. Alina Vaškelytė (Clinic of Nursing) and international programme coordinator of Živilė Kepežinskienė (International Relations and Study Center). This Erasmus + KA2 project brings together professionals from Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Latvia, Turkey and Lithuania.
The purpose of the meeting was to organize an open-access webinar „Transforming Health Care Education: from Classroom to Digital Environment“. LSMU coordinates this activity in project DITEPRACT. On January 19th the webinar was opened by the project coordinator Camilla Wikström-Grotell („Arcada University of Applied Sciences “, Finland), who presented the implemented activities and reviewed the achieved results. Anne Söderlund from „Mallardallen University“ (Sweden) delivered a presentation on the topic „Explore activities and outcomes of digital and/or online teaching and learning of practical skills in health professions’ higher education“. The next speaker in the webinar was Sultan Kav from „Baskent University“ (Turkey) who presented a comprehensive review „Digital competencies of academic staff: a survey from six countries“. Antonio Fernandes from „ESEnfC – Nursing School of Coimbra“ (Portugal) presented research material on the specifics of applying clinical scenarios in his presentation entitled ” Clinical scenario – standardize or create yourself “. Aurelija Blaževičienė (LSMU) concluded the presentations session in the webinar with the report ” Transforming health care education in EU countries”. Over 60 listeners from various countries of the world participated in the webinar of the DITEPRACT project, who actively submitted questions to the presenters and participated in the open discussion. During this visit, project partners had an opportunity to visit even two LSMU museums. In the Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy of Lithuania, the guests took part in the immersive tour, explored the museum exposition, got acquainted with the structure of the pharmacy and discovered unique exhibits. A visit to the Museum of the Institute of Anatomy also gave many impressions to the participants and surprised them with the innovativeness of the exhibits’ technologies at the time of their creation.