Have a peaceful Christmas and a jubilant New Year!

Dear University community, our revered colleagues,
2022 is coming to an end, the year of the University of Lithuania’s Centenary.
We celebrated the centenary by distinguishing the origins of our University.
The anniversary helps evaluate the most important stages of our University’s existence, critical moments and how wisely the University was raised, protected and nurtured to the present.
For that – tremendous respect and gratitude to our Teachers.
Each year is special and different in its own way, but always – interesting and educational.
I express my gratitude to the whole LSMU community and to students for their efforts in changing and strengthening the University, adjusting it to new challenges.
For the Yuletide season I wish you joy of life, forgiveness, determination when reaching for your goals, better and more meaningful future.
Have a peaceful Christmas and a jubilant New Year!
Rector of LSMU Prof. Rimantas Benetis