Exchange studies

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Ukrainian citizens, fleeing Ukraine due to the Russian aggression, are welcomed to join partial (exchange) studies at LSMU under the Erasmus+ programme.

  • For students (include doctoral students): being enrolled in a Higher Education institution (HEI) at the moment of fleeing Ukraine due to the Russian aggression.
  • For recent graduates: having graduated from a HEI in Ukraine within maximum 12 months before the moment of fleeing Ukraine due to the Russian aggression.
  • For university staff: being employed in a HEI in Ukraine at the moment of fleeing Ukraine due to the Russian aggression.

Eligible activities in LSMU:

  • For students: mobility for studies and mobility for traineeships. For traineeships this also includes traineeships for recent graduates (the term students will include them in these special provisions.
  • For university staff: mobility for teaching and mobility for training.

A certain number of students will be awarded Erasmus+ scholarship and staff will be awarded with scholarships for a period of their activity. Number of scholarships is limited and depends on funds that can be allocated withing the programme and number of applicants.

LSMU will check the eligibility based on the participant’s documentation. For student suitable documents can be (not limiting to): enrolment certificates, transcript of records, declarations issued by HEIs or relevant Ukrainian authorities or copies of listed documents. For university staff (not limiting to) – payslips, diplomas to define area of specialisation, work contracts, declarations issued by HEIs or relevant Ukrainian authorities or copies of these documents. Be ready to present them when applying for exchange period to LSMU.

Erasmus periods will be considered:

  • Spring semester of 2022 (period of studies – May and June) – applications accepted till April 29, 2022.
  • Autumn semester of 2022 (period of studies – September 2022 to January 2023) – applications accepted till July 29, 2022.
Visiting address
Medical Academy (room 111)
A. Mickevičiaus 9, Kaunas
Rūta Antanaitienė
International Programme Coordinator / Admission officer
A. Mickevičiaus 9, Medical Academy room 111