The blended intensive programme: a cross-cultural environment for learning and creativity

For the third year, the Erasmus+ Mixed Intensive Programme (BIP) “Creating Safe Cosmetic Products” is taking place at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU). This year, 16 students from Masaryk University (Czech Republic), San Jorge University (Spain), and Charles University (Czech Republic) participated in this international programme from September 23 to October 22.
The Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy of the Faculty of Pharmacy, in collaboration with partners Bialystok Medical University, Tartu University, San Jorge University, and Masaryk University, is responsible for the blended intensive programme for the creation of safe cosmetic goods. The programme’s primary objective is to foster global collaboration and establish a forum for knowledge and experience sharing among experts from diverse sectors.
The curriculum is built on cutting-edge teaching strategies, theoretical understanding, and hands-on training. It is conducted through virtual lecture sessions where students can share information, ask difficult questions, and participate in lively discussions.
An opportunity to learn, discuss, and discover
A sizable number of seasoned educators, many of whom were international lecturers, were assembled by LSMU and the programme partners.
The following LSMU professors gave virtual lectures this autumn to share their knowledge: Prof. Dr. Jurga Bernatonienė, Prof. Dr. Ramunė Morkūnienė, Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Petrikonis, Dr. Miroslava Pavelkova, Assoc. Prof. Katerina Kubova, Assoc. Prof. Victor Lopez Ramos, Prof. Dr. Hab. Katarzyna Socha, Dr. Marta Szekalska, Prof. Dr. Hab. Urszula Kalinowska-Lis, Prof. Dr. Ain Raal, Dr. Anna Erkiert-Polguj, Prof. Dr. Jyrki Tapio Heinamaki, Dr. Elżbieta Milewska and Assoc. Prof. Marek Niczyporuk.
Students in the programme developed cosmetics and studied dermatology and pharmaceutical technologies. The impacts of different cosmetic chemicals, their safety, and dermatocosmetological investigations were explored during the practical sessions, which aided in understanding and implementing contemporary solutions in the cosmetics manufacturing process.
Pharmaceutical aspects were of particular importance, given the necessity to provide safe and efficient products for both medications and cosmetics.
Gained valuable experience
The LSMU Faculty of Pharmacy hosted the BIP programme’s practical component. Students collaborated with instructors to master the newest skin care technologies in lab work, producing a range of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, including skin cleansers, lip balms, shampoos, and hydrolats.
The laboratory work was coordinated by the lecturers of the department – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Živilė Pranskūnienė, Assist. Jolita Stabrauskienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Giedrė Kasparavičienė, Prof. Dr. Jurga Bernatonienė, Dr. Lauryna Pudžiuvelytė, Dr. Jurga Andrėja Kazlauskaitė and Dr. Inga Matulytė. The complexities of developing nutritional supplements for skin, hair, and nails were also covered during these activities.
The Erasmus+ programme offered students the chance to develop international relations and gain a deeper understanding of the cultures of other nations in addition to the academic component. There were organised tours of Kaunas’ Old Town, a visit to the Museum of the History of Lithuanian Medicine and Pharmacy, where Dr. Vilma Gudienė led a fascinating excursion, and Neringa Jurė taught the students about the nuances of art therapy. The prospective specialists’ academic experience was enhanced by these additional activities, which also gave them useful intercultural skills.
The objective is to cultivate future leaders
Professor Jurga Bernatonienė, who heads the Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy of LSMU, is very pleased with the programme’s success and the high level of interest and participation from the students and academic community.
“As the programme grows, more and more motivated professionals and students are participating. BIP gives students the chance to gain useful knowledge and real-world skills as well as a unique opportunity to work together with individuals from other cultural backgrounds, exchange ideas, and come up with creative solutions. In addition to educating experts, we also hope to assist them in becoming future leaders in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.” Prof. J. Bernatonienė expressed her satisfaction with the programme’s annual growth.
The professor claims that the Erasmus+ BIP project has developed into a forum for global collaboration, which will surely motivate upcoming pharmaceutical and cosmetics experts to achieve greater things.