Medical simulation centre
The aim of the Centre of Medical Simulation for Students is to provide comprehensive training in essential clinical competencies through the use of medical simulation methods.
Medical simulation offers the opportunity to replicate both straightforward and more complex clinical scenarios in inherently secure conditions without endangering patients. This is achieved by employing artificial models representing actual patients or individual body parts, such as mannequins, anatomical replicas, simulators, etc. By generating potentially life-threatening situations within a secure environment, it facilitates the refinement of clinical skills and strategies for ensuring patient safety. Within our Simulation Centre, medical students, residents, and healthcare professionals, including doctors and nurses, have the opportunity to enhance their skills at their own pace, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Through medical simulation, learners can assess their knowledge levels, gain hands-on experience in a safe setting covering resuscitation, treatment, patient care, diagnostics, ultrasound manipulation, etc., and attain mastery of laparoscopic surgical techniques. This approach also enriches communication dynamics, nurtures collaborative teamwork, etc.
The equipment in the Centre of Medical Simulation is used to teach basic surgical, obstetric, anaesthesiology-resuscitation, cardiology, pulmonology, nursing, diagnostic and therapeutic skills, as well as to practice dealing with complex clinical situations involving the whole medical team in a realistic environment (a hospital reception, operating room or ward). Equipment list.
The Centre of Medical Simulation for Students of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences was officially launched in 2015 under the decision by the University Council.
A virtual operating room has been set up within the operating room wing of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Kaunas Clinics (situated on the 2nd floor of the Trauma and Emergency Care Centre building). This facility offers a unique opportunity to replicate and acquire proficiency in operative techniques and perioperative competences encompassing anaesthesia, critical situations, and both uncomplicated and complicated laparoscopic surgical procedures, among others.
The virtual operating room was procured using the funds of the LSMU project “LSMU activities aimed at improving the competencies and qualifications of doctors” (LSMU-GYD-KOM), project No. 09,4,2-ESFA-V-715-05-0001. It is part of the EU-funded entrustable professional activity (EPA) project, with the aim of simultaneously improving the simulation environment in residency studies.
Surgery modules:
- Basic skills of endoscopic surgery;
- Laparoscopy skills;
- Teaching of stitching and knot tying;
- Critical stitching and knot tying;
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy;
- Complete laparoscopic cholecystectomy;
- Gynecological surgery;
- Salpingo-oophorectomy
- Total hysterectomy;
- Subtotal hysterectomy;
- Resection of the sigmoid colon;
- Acute adhesion obstruction of the small intestine;
- Diagnostics of the abdominal cavity;
- Hernioplasty;
- Splenectomy;
- Nephrectomy;
- Laparoscopic nephrectomy.
You can book the Medical Simulation Centre for lectures, training or practical skills strengthening workshops. We recommend checking the availability calendar before booking.