Recognition of foreign qualification
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) was given the right to carry out the academic recognition of foreign qualifications related to higher education and acquired in accordance with the educational programs of foreign states and international organizations on March 14, 2026 (Order of the Minister of Education and Science, No. V-185).
The evaluation and recognition of qualifications is the main step of admission procedure and all applicants must pass the recognition process of their credentials. By submitting the application, applicant confirms that submitted documents are correct, truthful and complete. University has a right to verify the authenticity and accuracy of the provided documents and consult with the national ENIC/NARIC Centre – The Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) for more detailed information about your qualification and recommendation hereof.
Applicants shall be eligible to enter university studies according to the level of qualification from prior education. High school matriculation or university diplomas are verified according the required level of education and shall pass validation of authenticity. The process is performed following Procedure for Academic Recognition of Foreign Qualifications and Quality Assurance System for Decision-Making.
Prior to making a recognition decision, the University considers the General Recommendations of the SKVC for education systems of the respective countries. In the absence of general recommendations, University requests the SKVC for an individual recommendation for each specific qualification.
Refugees and persons from conflict zones who are unable to submit original documents, etc., or when qualifications have been acquired in non-traditional ways apply formally for consultation with the SKVC and follow their recommendations. If any case, you may find more info here.
The Obligations and Rights of the Applicant during the Procedure of Qualification Recognition
The applicant shall submit one application form, which provides information and copies of documents required for both the admission procedure and the evaluation of documents (personal information (CV); contact information; an electronic copy of an identity document; electronic copies of educational documents and appendices; a certificate of English language proficiency; additional documents proving the level of education, if necessary). For more detailed description of required education certificates, please, check the admission requirements applied on each study programme.
The documents submitted by the applicant must meet the following requirements:
- the documents must be official, i.e., issued by authorized, competent and accredited bodies;
- electronic copies are made from the originals or properly certified copies (the originals of the mentioned documents are required to confirm the decision upon arrival to study);
- the submitted document must certify the final qualification of secondary or higher education (preliminary education documents may be submitted at the initial stage, if at the time of submitting the documents, the training or studies have not been completed or the documents have not been issued by the teaching or research and study institution);
- documents are provided in the original language, and an official translation of the documents into English or Lithuanian (at the applicant’s choice) is requested when the language of the document is other than English.
The applicant disagreeing with the LSMU decision on foreign academic recognition of qualifications has right to submit an appeal to the Appeal Commission for the recognition of education and qualifications related to higher education and acquired according to the educational programs of foreign states and international organizations, established by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (see duration of recognition procedure and right to appeal).
The applicant has right to get clear, complete and constantly updated and revised information. The information is easily accessible and provided in various forms (on the website, by e-mail, telephone, in person, etc.)., see contacts admission officers.
Communication between the applicant and the University is proceeded in English only. Evaluation and recognition of qualifications are carried out free of charge.
Specific requirements applied by LSMU to the education certificates you may find: https://lsmuni.lt/en/study-at-lsmu/degree-studies/admission/.
Final decision on each recognition of qualification will be considered by University individually basing on the provided education documents.
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Diploma of State Matura Examination Certificate (Diplomë e Maturës Shteteröre)
- State Matura Certificate (Certifikatë Maturës Shtetërore)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Diplomë Bachelor)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Orta təhsil haqqında attestat)
- Official results of the state examination to admission to higher education institutions in Azerbaijan (minimum score 200 out of 700) or documents certifying the post-secondary education of at least one year at a higher education institution
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bakalavr Diplomu)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Higher Secondary Certificate
- Academic Transcript of the Higher Secondary Certificate
- Secondary School Certificate
- Academic Transcript of the Secondary School Certificate
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bachelor of Science/ Arts (Honours))
Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of General Secondary Education (Aтэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi)
- a letter issued by the school providing information on the results of the passed school leaving examinations.
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Дыплом аб вышэйшай адукацыі)
Дыплом Спецыялiстa
Diploma Supplement (Приложение к диплому)
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level (at least 4 exams passed with the grade C or higher)
- General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (at least 2 exams passed with the grade E or higher)
- Documents certifying the post-secondary education (if any)
- Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement Secondaire)
- Transcript of Results (Releve de Notes).
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bachelor/ Licence)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
General Upper Secondary Education Certificate (Studentereksamenbevis/Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen/ Bevis for Højere Teknisk Eksamen/ Bevis for Højere handelseksamen)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s degree Diploma (BA/BSc)
Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- General Secondary Education Certificate (Thanawiyya Al A‘amma ((شهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة))
- National Examination Results issued by the Ministry of Education or Regional Governorate (in English)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript (Student Record)
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- High School Graduation Certificate (Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus)
- Transcript of Grades (Hinneteleht)
- State Examination Certificate (Riigieksamitunnistus), electronic version
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bakalaureusekraad (Ülikool)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- High School Graduation Certificate (Lukion päättötodistus)
- Matriculation Examination Certificate (Ylioppilastutkintotodistus)
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- European Baccalaureate Certificate
- European Baccalaureate Transcript of Grades
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Diploma of Higher Secondary Education (Diplôme du Baccalauréat)
- Transcript of Grades (Relevé de Notes)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Licence)
- Diploma Supplement/Academic Transcript (Relevé de Notes)
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Secondary School diploma (Sashualo Skolis Atestati) / General Education Diploma (Sruli zogadi Ganatlebis At’est’at’i)
- Results of the Unified National Examination (Ertiani Erovnuli Gamocdebi) or documents certifying the post-secondary education of at least one year at a higher education institution
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bakalavris diploma)
Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of General University Entrance Qualification (Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma, Bakkalaureus Diplom (Wissenschaftliche Hochschul)
- Diploma Supplement/Academic Transcript.
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- West African Senior School Certificate (WASSC) issued by the West African Examination Council (At least 5 subjects must be passed with the result C6 or higher. Grade for Mathematics and English language must be at least C6)
- Result Checker Card’s serial number and pin code to check the examination results online at https://ghana.waecdirect.org/
- Documents certifying post-secondary education of at least one academic year at a higher education institution
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma
- Diploma Supplement/Academic Transcript. The approved Academic Transcript must be provided directly by the registrar of the former university to LSMU in a sealed and stamped envelope or as a digital version to the LSMU’s main email address
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Secondary School Examination Certificate (Class X) with Mark Sheet
- Senior Secondary Examination Certificate (Class XII) with Mark Sheet
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (University’s level – research oriented)
- Transcript of Records /Academic Records (could be issued by the college affiliated to related university)
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- High School Diploma /Matriculation Diploma (Teudat Bagrut (תעודת בגרות))
- Grades of the state examination
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
Graduation of High School until 2019:
- Certificate of High School Education (Motevasteh)
- Certificate of Pre-University Education (Peeshdaneshgahe)
- Transcripts of Records for both certificates listed above
Graduation of High School after 2019:
- Certificate of Completion of Second Cycle of High School Education
>> Transcripts of Records for High School Graduates – 2nd Cycle
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Leaving Certificate (Provisional Certificates are accepted only to actual year graduates) issued by the State Examination Commission
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Bachelor (Honours))
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Diploma of Senior Secondary Education (Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato)
- Records of the final examination (Certifica Esame di Stato)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Laurea)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- High School Certificate of Graduation (高等学校 卒業証明書, Kotogakko Sotsugyoshomeisho)
- Transcript of Records
- Entrance examination for admission to higher education institutions (Center Test –大学入試センター試験, Daigaku Nyūshi Sentā Shiken)
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of Completed General Secondary Education (Жалпы орта бiлiм туралы aттестат).
- Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) Grade 12 Certificate (Жоғары мектепті бітіру туралы аттестат)
- Results of the Unified National Testing (Ұлттық бірыңғай тестілеу)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Бакалавр дипломы)/Specialist Diploma (Мамаң дипломы)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of General Secondary Education (Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību)
- Record Card (Sekmju izraksts)
- Results of State Examination
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bakalaura diploms)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of Senior Secondary Education (Lebanese Baccalauréat – شھادة البكالوریا الثانویة العامة)
- Transcript of Records
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Licence – لسانس /البكالوریوس الإجاز)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of Senior Secondary Education (Diplomǎ de Bacalaureat)
- Transcript of Records
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s diploma (Diplomă (de studii superioare) de licenţă)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
Original Higher Secondary Examination Certificate attested by the National Examinations Board (NEB) and legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal
Original Higher Secondary Examination Academic Transcript attested by the National Examinations Board (NEB) and legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal
School Leaving Certificate
School Leaving education academic transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) diploma)
- Transcript of results (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs cijferlijst)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma awarded by a Research-oriented University (Universiteiten -WO)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC) issued by the West African Examination Council or Senior School Certificate (NECO) issued by the National Examination Council. (At least 5 subjects must be passed with the result C6 or higher. Both Mathematics and English language must be evaluated no less than C6)
- Scratch Card data to check examination results online
- Documents certifying the post-secondary education for at least one academic year at higher education institution. Official Academic Transcript (certified true copy) must be provided directly to university
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma
- Official Academic Transcript (Certified true copies must be provided directly to university)
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of General Upper Secondary Education (Vitnemål for Videregående Opplaering)
- Transcript of Records
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (research orientated)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Higher Secondary School Examination/Intermediate Examination Certificate
- Higher Secondary School Examination /Intermediate Examination Certificate Statement of Marks
- Secondary School Examination Certificate
- Secondary School Examination Certificate Statement of Marks
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Honours)
Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of Maturity (Świadectwo Dojrzałości – Matura)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma – Licencjat/ Inżynier
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
- Portugal
- Russia
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sweden
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- United States
- International Baccalaureate
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of General Upper Secondary Education (Diploma/Certificado/Certidão do Ensino Secundario)
- Results of the State Examination ((Exames Nacionais do Ensino Secundário Português – FICHA ENES)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Licenciado)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary General Education (Аттестат о среднем (полном) образовании).
- Supplement to the Certificate of Secondary General Education
- Results of the Unified State Examination (Свидетельство о результатах единого государственного экзамена (ЕГЭ))
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Бакалавр) /Specialist Diploma (Специалист)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- High School Certificate (고등학교 졸업장, Godeung Hakgyo Jolupjang) and Academic Transcript issued in English
- Results of the Korean College Scholastic Ability Test
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (학사)
Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of Upper Secondary Education (Título de Bachiller)
- Results of Entrance Examination (Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad -Selectividad) (if applied)
- Academic Certificate (Certificado De Calificiones/Certificación Official De Expediente)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Título de Graduado)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Higher Education Preparatory Diploma (Examensbevis Högskoleförberedande examen)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Kandidatexamen)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- High School Diploma (Lise Diplomasi)
- Official Transcript (Records of the last 4 years of high school)
- Results of Examinations (YKS, YGS and/or LYS)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Lisans Diplomasi)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (Cвідоцтвo про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти / Aтeстат прo повну загальну серeдню освiту)
- Transcript to the Certificate (Додаток до атестата)
- Certificate of the External Evaluation Examination results (зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання – ЗНО)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Бакалавр/ Спецiалiст)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- General Certificate of Education (GCE) – Advanced Levels (A Levels)
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma – Bachelor (Honours)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
- Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) with Advanced Highers
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma – Bachelor (Honours)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- High School Diploma
- Final Official Transcript
- SAT/ACT Entrance Examinations or Honors, AP, College Prep study level
- Associate’s diploma
Application to Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor’s Diploma (Bachelor (Honours))
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
- General Education Development Test (GED)
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- High School Equivalency Diploma/General Education Development Credential (minimum score for admission – 165)
- Official GED Transcript
Application to Bachelor’s and integrated degree programmes:
- International Baccalaureate Diploma
- International Baccalaureate examination results
- Login data for the online checking at http://www.ibo.org/
Applicants who applied for studies at LSMU and provided all required education certificates will be informed about the acceptability of the provided documents in 72 hours from the date of application submission.
Final decision about recognition of education qualifications will be made only following the completion of all stages of inspection and assessment, but not later than within 1 month from the date of the receipt of documents.
Decision about recognition of education qualification as acceptable for the process of admission to a certain study program (cycle) will be provided on the applicant’s personal application online file.
In case the qualification is not recognized, an electronic letter is issued to the applicant clearly stating the reasons for the decision and proving information on the possibility to file a reasoned appeal should the applicant disagree with the decision.
Right to Appeal:
If an applicant does not agree with decision made by the University on the recognition of qualification, he/she has a right to submit a request to review the made decision within 7 calendar days after the negative decision has been received.
The Qualification Assessment Commission of the University will revise the taken decision and re-evaluate the qualification within 7 calendar days. If needed, additional educational documents could be requested.
In case the decision taken after the repeated review of education qualification doesn’t satisfy the applicant, he/she has a right to appeal to the Academic Recognition of Foreign Qualifications Concerning Higher Education Appeal Committee under the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education.
A signed appeal must be submitted within 14 days from the receipt of the final decision of the University. The appeal must be addressed to the Committee and include personal data (name and surname of person who presents appeal, living address, contact e-mail and phone), a valid form of identification, an explanation as to why the decision is contested and all the supporting documentation.
The appeal will be investigated within 30 days from the appeal application and all the necessary documentation related to it are received.

Contacts of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education:
Tel: +370 5 210 4772
Email: recognition@skvc.lt www.skvc.lt
Each application period University gets a lot of applications to start studies at any of study programmes within the field of bioscience. All applications are precisely checked and evaluated. During admission periods of 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 University had received about 1100 applications and approximately 5 – 7 percent of provided education certificates have been rejected and academic qualifications were not recognized due to various reasons.