Call for applications: cultural and professional study visit to France under the student mobility programme

The call for applications is now open for the LSMU students of the first-cycle, second-cycle, and integrated study programmes who are at least in their third semester of studies, as well as doctoral students and residents. 15 places are available in total:
- Faculty of Medicine – 10 places
- Faculty of Nursing – 1 place
- Faculty of Pharmacy – 1 place
- Faculty of Public Health – 1 place
- Faculty of Animal Science – 1 place
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – 1 place
The Faculty of Odontology has not offered any places for its students.
Important dates:
- Deadline for document submission: 22/02/2023
- French language test: 24/02/2023, 15:00
- Meeting of the Selection Panel: 27/02/2023, 15:30
The cultural and professional study visit under the student mobility programme is implemented within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the LSMU and the “Laba diena” Association. A group of LSMU students and an accompanying teacher will be travelling to the village of Saint-Seine-L’Abbaye in Dijon region of France from 11 May 2023 to 21 May 2023. The round-trip travel expenses for the programme participants (students and accompanying teacher) between Kaunas and Dijon will be covered by the LSMU faculties.
In France, the students will be staying free of charge with the host families of the “Laba diena” Association volunteers. Catering will be provided by the host families. The “Laba diena” Association offers activities to enhance the knowledge about the culture, economy, and the region, and arranges visits to the hospital and university.
The candidates are selected for the programme through a competitive selection process by the Selection Panel. Members of the Selection Panel will hold an interview with each candidate and assess the student’s motivation and communication skills on a scale of 0 to 10 (with 1 point interval) after the interview. Final selection score calculation formula: final score = French language proficiency score 50% + motivation 25% + communication skills 25%. + motivation 25% + communication skills 25%.
The application shall be submitted in person to the administrators at the Department of Languages and Education. Please submit the following documents together with the application:
1. A certificate of studies and the average grade approved by the Dean’s Office for the entire period of the student’s studies at the relevant study cycle.
2. Documented evidence of active participation in student activities.
3. Any other documents that the applicants might consider relevant to support their eligibility.
Selection criteria:
1. French language proficiency. The programme is open to the students with a minimum grade of 8 according to the final assessment of the Professional Language module (French) at the LSMU.
1.1. Students who do not have a final grade in French under the Professional Language module at the time of selection are required to take a French language test.
1.2. The French language test shall also be taken by the students who have taken French at the LSMU only as an elective subject.
1.3. The French language test is not required for the students holding a DALF certificate certifying the French language proficiency (B1 level or higher).
The French language test is organised and held at the Department of Languages and Education. The applicants will be notified by the Programme Coordinator of the need to take the test, the place and time of the test.
2. Active participation in student activities:
2.1. amateur groups at the University;
2.2. representation of the University in sporting and/or cultural events;
participation in various student organisations at the University.
3. Academic excellence. The programme is open to the students in good academic standing, with grades at or above the typical level for the relevant cycle of studies, without any academic debt at the time of selection.
The competition is conducted in accordance with the Order No. V-153 of the Rector of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.
For further information please contact the programme coordinator Prof. L. Dulksnienė (
Information by the Department of Languages and Education, 08/02/2023