New: you can already choose interesting study modules in all Kaunas universities

You are studying at LSMU – but would you like to learn public speaking? Maybe in your free time you are interested in yoga, fitness, Pilates? Or maybe you want to supplement your skills as a future professional with knowledge of sales management, media art or psychology?
From this spring, your studies can become truly unique – individualised, enriched with subjects of interest that are taught at other universities.
The cooperation agreement between the universities operating in Kaunas opens a variety of studies and extremely wide opportunities for additional improvement. It is possible to freely choose study modules of interest at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas University of Technology, and the Lithuanian Sports University, even if those disciplines are not directly related to the study programme.
After attending the optional study subject / module at another university, it will be possible to include its results in your study programme.
You can choose free interuniversity additional study subjects / modules for the next academic year already now!
We invite you to choose the study subject (module) of interest until 30 June 2022. The number of places for optional subjects / modules is limited.
More information and options can be found on this form:
All subjects / modules HERE