Online seminar “Smooth adaptation and stress management”

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Dear students,

We experience many different triggers every day. Various stressful events, study process, new people, new culture – all of this can have a huge impact on our emotional and physical state, therefore, it is very important to understand how our psychological processes work, and how to help ourselves in the face of various challenges, especially during the first two years of your studies in a new country!

We invite all foreign students from LSMU to join a free online seminar about adaptation process and stress management. This seminar is primarily intended to first and second year students, but all of you who experience any level of stress are welcome to join!

The seminar will take place on MS Teams, on 3d October, at 4.30 p.m.

There is no registration needed, you can just join the event by clicking this link.

Let’s meet and discuss the practical ways of how to adapt to a new environment and in general how to manage stress constructively!

Psychologist Roza Joffe-Luiniene, PhD