Academic ethics
There is no doubt that academic and professional ethics are broad concepts that include respect for the work of others, the ability to communicate and collaborate with others.
The concept of academic ethics at our university encompasses the unity of study, science, human and animal health, professionalism, academic freedom and autonomy in recognising, upholding and fostering justice, fairness, respect for human beings, tolerance, professional, scientific and civic responsibility, the pursuit of truth, academic freedom and creating an atmosphere conducive to trust and creativity within and outside the University.
Academic ethics are important because they serve:
- creating an atmosphere of academic freedom and trust at the University;
- establishes the main provisions of the relations between the members of the University community and their behaviour (which are not directly regulated by international and national codes of ethics, state laws, the Statute of the University and other internal documents).
The students must adhere to the following ethical principles and obligations:
- They may not humiliate the name of another student and the University by their conduct.
- It is necessary to be cultured, to promote a healthy lifestyle, to respect the chosen speciality, to raise its prestige in society, to defend their colleagues when they are unreasonably discredited.
- Every effort must be made to achieve good academic results.
- To the best of his / her ability, take responsibility for the quality of studies and participate in their improvement.
- May not disclose confidential patient information obtained during studies, must respect patients’ beliefs and privacy. Act in a way that does not cause
- negative emotions to patients or their loved ones. Respect patient autonomy and their right to refuse to cooperate in the study process.
- They must be identifiable to staff, other students, patients and their relatives. Students must be honest during the assessments, and must report the observed cases of academic dishonesty to the lecturers of the department, the University administration or the University Student Representation, regardless of who participated in it (student, lecturer, doctor, researcher, student representative).
Guidance on Addressing Unethical Behaviour: Guidance on Addressing Unethical Behaviour