LSMU Alumni Gave a Workshop “The Art of Living in a Dynamic Modern Life” to the Community

On 13–17 May, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) traditionally hosted a Culture Week to bring together the University community, encourage them to escape the routine for a while and engage in cultural education activities.
LSMU alumni gave the community a two-day interactive workshop “The Art of Living in a Dynamic Modern Life”. The workshop covered eight different areas of the art of living.
“LSMU alumni are a large and important part of the University. The alumni do not break the connection with the University when they graduate, but the relationship with the organisation changes. The alumni become our partners, advisors, mentors of the younger generation of students, they share their expertise, get involved in various projects and initiatives. This meaningful collaboration contributes to the strategic goals of the University”, said the event organiser.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our alumni who have donated their time and knowledge to our University community: Dr. Birutė Bartkevičiūtė, Laura Digrytė-Šertvytienė, Goda Martinkutė, Ugnė Nedzinskaitė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gintarė Zakarienė, Robertas Jakimonis, Paulius Gradeckas, Assoc. Prof. Tomas Bukauskas, and Inga Matulytė.